Yeast and olive oil to soften dry skin

Women with dry skin suffer from severe dryness of the skin, so they must constantly use moisturizing and softening masks. One of the best and most effective of these masks is the yeast mask with olive oil and honey.


the components :-

1- spoon of yeast.

2- Two tablespoons of water.

3- Half a tablespoon of olive oil.




4- A spoonful of apple cider vinegar.

5- Two tablespoons of flour.


First: Dissolve the yeast in the water well until it is completely free of lumps.

Second: Then add honey and flour to the mixture and mix them together well.

Third: Finally, add  vinegar to the mixture and mix the ingredients together to obtain a cohesive creamy texture, then spread the mask on your skin and leave it for 15 minutes, then wash your skin with lukewarm water. Note: – Repeat the mask once a week to completely get rid of dry skin and enjoy soft, smooth skin.

A proven mask to whiten the skin and clear it of impurities

We will show you, dear ones, a mask for whitening and clearing the skin with proven and proven results and with known and easy ingredients that are available in every home. Since we are in the summer season, this mask also helps to cool the skin, and soothe redness caused by sunlight for working women or students. the components :


_ 3 tablespoons of rose water.


_ Half a cup of cold water.


_ A tablespoon of starch.







Mix a spoonful of starch with cold water and add rose water to them and leave them on the fire with continuous stirring, until the mixture thickens or holds together, then put the mixture in the refrigerator to cool


After the mixture cools down, apply it to your face and leave it for 30 minutes, then wash your face with warm water and then with cold water.


Enjoy, my dear, with light skin and freshness for your skin like no other.

The benefits of ground fenugreek on the skin and body

Fenugreek is a drink rich in many vitamins and fibers necessary for health and minerals, but what are the health benefits when drinking boiled water with ground fenugreek? you more details.


The benefits of ground fenugreek


When you use ground fenugreek on a daily basis, you will notice the difference in the appearance of your hair and skin, as the fenugreek works to strengthen the hair roots and rebuild the follicles, as the soaked seeds work to produce a substance that gives a strong shine to the hair like no other, and as an alternative to chemicals, fenugreek seeds can be soaked Throughout the night, then grind in the morning and add yogurt to it, then put it on your scalp for 30 minutes to completely get rid of damaged hair problems. As for the benefits of ground fenugreek on the skin, it works to fight acne and scars on the skin, as it contains a substance that has Powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, it also works to eliminate free radicals that cause wrinkles and dark spots.


Amazing information about ground fenugreek


As for those who suffer from weight gain, the fenugreek works on it to enhance the metabolism process, it may help to lose weight, because it contains natural fibers that work to reduce the desire to eat, which gives a feeling of fullness in the stomach, in addition to that it works to regulate insulin in blood, as it works to control diabetes, and leads to a decrease in blood levels when consuming fenugreek seed water daily, as for new mothers, it is the main drink after childbirth in order to help the mother produce milk because it contains vegetable protein that works to increase milk production and increase levels and weight gain in infants.


Mix the ground fenugreek with honey


In the end, we recommend drinking fenugreek with lemon and honey, as it works to increase immunity, reduce inflammation, and is an essential source of vitamins and many amazing health benefits that are unparalleled.

4 nutritional benefits of eating vanilla

1. Magnesium

The mineral we hear so much about these days is found in almost all plant foods, including vanilla beans. Magnesium is a vital mineral that is essential for overall health as it regulates the nervous system and acts as a balancing mineral. It helps with both relaxation and energy production.

Magnesium is also responsible for many enzyme reactions in the body that aid everything from digestion to assimilation of nutrients to regulating muscle cells and the nervous system. For your mind and mood, it relieves nervous tension, prevents or helps mild depression and PMS, and improves Neurotransmitter function for optimal serotonin and dopamine production (the “feel good” hormones), magnesium is also essential for healthy blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

2. Potassium

All plant foods are rich in potassium, and vanilla is no exception. A tablespoon of vanilla bean powder contains more than 100 milligrams. Potassium is another mineral that is essential for healthy blood pressure levels. It helps regulate water in the body, proper heart contractions, and helps balance electrolytes in the body. For your mood, it can help relax your blood vessels which in turn reduces stress and tension.

3. Calcium

Another mineral that everyone is looking for more of without cow’s milk is calcium. Although it is known as an important mineral for bone health, it is often overlooked for its benefits on mood and mind. Calcium reduces cortisol in the body, the stress hormone associated with anxiety, depression, and mood swings. mood and even weight gain.

4. Manganese

There is less hype surrounding this mineral than there used to be. Manganese is essential for healthy mood, metabolism, optimal nervous system function, and assimilation of other nutrients. It is found in many nuts, seeds, and superfoods such as cocoa, vanilla, and chia seeds. Vanilla Bean Powder contains 30% of your daily manganese needs in just one tablespoon.


How to treat acne with rose water

Rose water has been used since ancient times to treat and reduce acne, and perhaps one of the most important causes of acne is the increase and accumulation of fats secreted by the sebaceous gland in the skin . Therefore, rose water is one of the most important simple and effective treatment of acne 

Rose water benefits 

 Rose water is considered antiseptic and antimicrobial, and therefore it is used in the treatment of acne and to hide the scars it leaves on the skin.

 Rose water can be used with all skin types, including sensitive skin, because it does not cause any sensitivity or redness to the skin.

 In addition to treating acne, rose water has other benefits for the skin, as it maintains the acidity of the skin and works to open pores, tighten the skin and hide wrinkles.

How to use rose water to treat acne

There are several ways to use rose water to treat acne, such as washing the face directly with it or spraying it as a mist. We also mention some different ways to use rose water:

– A mixture of rose water and sandalwood

This mixture works to prevent the appearance of acne and hide the scars left by acne on the face as well. To prepare this mixture, put sandalwood powder with rose water in a ratio of 2: 1 Take 2 tablespoons of sandal powder and add them to a tablespoon of rose water and make a paste, then Apply it on your face, let it dry and then wash it off with water.


– Rose water and lemon juice

The mixture of rose water and lemon juice is also an excellent way to treat acne, mix equal amounts of lemon juice and rose water (one tablespoon of rose water with one tablespoon of lemon juice) mix them well and then wash your face and leave it for 10 minutes as it works to lighten the pores as well as Lemon helps to hide the scars caused by acne, but you must first test your skin before applying this mixture on your face. Put a small amount on your hand to make sure that you are not allergic to lemon and leave it for 24 hours. If you find sensitivity or redness, you should not use it.


Rose water .  educate yourself

3- Mix rose water, cucumber and honey:

If you are allergic to lemon, you can use this alternative method in which we use rose water with cucumber and honey and make a paste of them. Take a piece of cucumber and add to it 2 tablespoons of honey and put them in a blender until the dough becomes soft. Take it and add rose water to it and mix them together well and then put it On your face, honey and rose water act as antimicrobials and cucumber soothes the skin.

?Where is rose water available

 You can get rose water easily from stores, and you can also make it yourself by adding drops of rose oil to the water. The methods that we have mentioned here regularly and you will get rid of acne and the effects it leaves on your skin

Skin diet to ensure the freshness and health of your skin

Have you ever heard of skin diet? The skin needs vitamins that promote the purity and health of the skin, and these vitamins include vitamin A , vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K and B vitamins , and our diet must include foods rich in these vitamins to ensure that the skin gets what it needs from Nutrients and thus enjoy clear and problem-free skin. In this article, we will explain to you the most important vitamins and their nutritional sources necessary for the skin to include in your daily diet.

Skin diet:

This is a group of the most important vitamins and elements that the skin needs in order to look more youthful, fresh, healthy and vibrant.

1Skin diet and vitamin A:

Vitamin A contains retinol, which promotes the production and growth of new skin cells, and vitamin A is full of antioxidants such as beta-carotene that can fight free radicals that break down collagen, leading to early signs of aging on the skin, and vitamin A Provides protection for the skin from the harmful rays of the sun.

Foods rich in vitamin A:

  • Tomatoes: Red tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamin A and can be widely used in everyday cooking.
  • Carrots: One cup of carrots provides about 334 percent of your daily vitamin A needs, so add it to your daily diet.
  • Spinach: Leafy green vegetables like spinach are packed with vitamin A, so include leafy greens in your diet to get your recommended daily intake of vitamin A.
  • Red pepper : Red pepper is one of the most vitamin A-rich foods, and you can put it on salads, pasta or pizza.
  • Egg yolk: Egg yolk is rich in vitamin A, so eating eggs regularly improves the health and beauty of the skin.
  • Pumpkin : Pumpkin contains a type of carotene that is converted into vitamin A in the body, and 100 grams of pumpkin gives you 2,100 micrograms of vitamin A.
  • Broccoli:  Cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower and broccoli are packed with high amounts of vitamin A, and you can add broccoli to salads or pasta.

2Skin diet and vitamin C:

Vitamin C is one of the important vitamins for the skin, as it helps protect the skin from the ultraviolet rays of the sun and helps to form the collagen needed to maintain the youth and elasticity of the skin and make it look younger.

Foods rich in vitamin C:

  • Cantaloupe: Cantaloupe is a rich source of vitamin C, as one medium-sized fruit contains 202.6 mg of vitamin C.
  • Citrus: Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, tangerines and grapefruit contain high amounts of vitamin C.
  • Broccoli: A cup of broccoli contains as much vitamin C as an orange.
  • Red cabbage: Red cabbage contains a high percentage of vitamin C, and is characterized by being low in calories and a rich source of dietary fiber and other vitamins.
  • Kiwi: One serving of kiwi contains the recommended daily amount of vitamin c

3Skin diet and vitamin D:

Studies have proven that vitamin D helps reduce skin diseases such as acne, rosacea and atopic dermatitis, and it maintains the vitality and youth of the skin and protects it from skin-damaging factors.

Vitamin D-rich foods:

  • Salmon: Salmon is a fatty fish rich in vitamin D, as one serving of salmon provides 124% of the daily amount of vitamin D.
  • Tuna: One serving of canned tuna contains 268 international units of vitamin D.
  • Egg Yolk: Egg yolk is rich in many nutrients, the most important of which is vitamin D. The yolk of one egg contains 37 international units of vitamin D.
  • Mushrooms: Mushrooms are an excellent source of vitamin D, as each 100 grams of it contains 2,300 international units of vitamin D.

4Skin diet and vitamin E:

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects the skin from sun damage and free radicals, which helps protect the skin, prevent damage and make it more youthful.

 Foods Rich in Vitamin E:

  • Sunflower seeds: Sunflower seeds are one of the healthiest snacks rich in vitamin E, as each 100 grams of them contains 35.17 milligrams of vitamin E.
  • Almonds: Each 100 grams of almonds contains 25.63 of vitamin E, and you can eat roasted almonds as a snack, or add it to cereals and baked goods, or drink almond milk.
  • Peanuts: Each 100 grams of peanuts contains 4.93. You can eat roasted peanuts as a snack between meals.

5Skin diet and vitamin K:

Vitamin K helps heal wounds and reduces the incidence of skin diseases such as rosacea, spider veins and stretch marks, so we advise you to add vitamin K to your diet.

Foods rich in vitamin K:

  • Broccoli: Each half cup of broccoli provides 100 micrograms of vitamin K, which represents 92% of the body’s daily need for vitamin K.
  • Chicken : Every 100 grams of chicken contains 60 micrograms of vitamin K, which represents 43% of the body’s daily needs of vitamin K.
  • Kiwi: One kiwi fruit contains 28 micrograms, which is equivalent to 23% of the body’s daily requirement of vitamin K.
  • Green peas: One of the most vitamin K-rich vegetables, 100 grams of cooked green peas contain 59 micrograms, which is equivalent to 49% of the body’s daily needs of vitamin K.

6B-complex vitamins and skin diet:

Some skin diseases may be a symptom of lacking a certain group of vitamins, and the B complex vitamins contain vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, biotin and folic acid. B vitamins to some skin symptoms such as cracks in the mouth, dry lips and dry skin

Foods rich in vitamin B:

  • Salmon: It contains a group of B vitamins such as vitamin B1, B2, B3, and B12, so try to eat a meal of salmon once or twice a week.
  • Eggs: One large egg provides 33% of the body’s daily needs of biotin, and eggs are rich in other B vitamins such as vitamin B2, B5 and folic acid.
  • Milk: Each 240 milliliters of milk provides 26% of the body’s daily needs of vitamin B2, and it also contains small amounts of other B vitamins, which include B1, B5 and B12.
  • Red meat: rich in B-complex vitamins, which include vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12.

If you want to get fresh, vibrant, youthful and problem-free skin, you should include foods rich in these vitamins into your routine diet

Make a night cream to take care of your skin
Make a night cream to take care of your skin

To take great care of your skin, we offer you a way to prepare a natural moisturizing night cream and apply it daily to protect your skin from wrinkles and sagging and keep it young and lively, according to your skin website.

Make a night cream to take care of your skin

Ingredients and method of application:

– 2 tablespoons of cocoa butter: Cocoa butter is one of the most wonderful moisturizers for the skin, which penetrates into the layers of the skin to give you unmatched smoothness.
– A tablespoon of virgin olive oil: Olive oil is a natural ingredient that contains many vitamins and wonderful benefits for the skin.
– A spoonful of coconut oil or lavender oil: In addition to its many benefits on the skin, this spoon will give your hand-made night cream a fresh and soft scent (choose any essential oil you like smell)
3 tablespoons of pomegranate juice: Pomegranate helps maintain the freshness of the skin, as it is rich in vitamin C and a lot of antioxidants, as its compounds prevent the breakdown of collagen in the skin, which works to renew dead cells and treats dry skin, and pomegranate juice helps lighten the skin. And treating acne, where pomegranate helps increase blood circulation, repair damaged skin tissues, treat skin pigmentation problems, acne and freckles, and works to lighten the skin and unify its color.

How to prepare
– Melt the cocoa butter by placing it in a metal bowl and placing this bowl over a bowl of hot water until it melts.
– Put lemon juice and mix it with cocoa butter well, then add the rest of the ingredients.
Put the cream in a clean glass container and put it in the fridge for 12 hours

The benefits of putting a spoonful of sugar in your shampoo

It may be the first time you hear about the benefits of putting a spoonful of sugar in your shampoo, for sure you know that your kitchen may hold a lot of keys to taking care of your own beauty, especially if you want to get rid of dry hair and dandruff completely and if you are looking for recipes that help you In stimulating hair growth in a faster way, there are many home recipes that promote hair growth and get healthy hair, including adding a spoonful of sugar in shampoo and watch the amazing results. This advice works perfectly. Your eyes may not believe the results you will get, as it helps you get rid of damaged hair And dandruff in a very short time.

The benefits of putting a spoonful of sugar in your shampoo

The benefits of putting a spoonful of sugar in your shampoo

Everyone is looking for beautiful and healthy hair, preferably a healthy scalp, although you can try a lot of commercial hair care products, but they do not help you get the ideal results, especially the results related to the scalp because women often forget to take care of the scalp, so this quick solution will It helps in treating the most important problem you face in the scalp, which is dandruff.

The benefits of putting a spoonful of sugar in your shampoo

Excessive use of dry shampoo and the chemical ingredients in it can lead to problems in the scalp because the scalp, like the skin, contains dead cells and these dead cells of the scalp can cause the hair to become less healthy and look dull and bored. How can you make sure that dead skin is removed from the scalp?

Because the dead skin on the scalp leads to itching and a dry scalp, and this prompts you to try any solution you encounter on the Internet, and you can find many solutions that interest you, including adding a spoonful of sugar to your shampoo. According to Francesca Fusco, a dermatologist, you can soothe an itchy, dry scalp by mixing a tablespoon of sugar with your shampoo and working on putting a quantity of shampoo on the head and rubbing it using your fingertips. Fusco says that the sugar will dissolve completely without leaving any granules. Inside .

But is using sugar as a scalp exfoliator the solution? We consulted dermatologist Julie Rusak, MD, from the Dermatology Clinic in New York City.

Dr. Rusak says that there are many reasons behind the presence of dandruff and itchy scalp, and a safe option is to use sugar as a natural way to reduce itchy scalp and get rid of dead cells. head to calm down. And in order for there to be tangible benefits, you must scrub the scalp, but according to Dr. Rosak, you do not need to do this daily. If your scalp is prone to the accumulation of dead cells, make this part of your exfoliation routine once or twice a week and then the symptoms will subside. One of the tips provided by Dr. Rosak is to avoid using any harsh chemicals on the scalp, including hair dyes and chemicals, and if your condition persists, check with a dermatologist to help determine the root cause and try another solution.

More natural ways to exfoliate the scalp and treat itching:

tea tree oil:

One of the natural remedies that you can rely on to get rid of the dead cells accumulated in the scalp is tea tree oil because it has anti-inflammatory, bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Tea tree oil is an ideal natural remedy for the scalp, as it is rich in Terpense.

Which helps prevent bacteria and treat a wide range of skin problems and fungi, including acne, and one of the ways to help you use tea tree oil is to add a few drops of tea tree oil to your shampoo or make a mixture of oils by adding a spoonful of tea tree oil with Olive oil, coconut oil or almond oil, and massage the scalp with the mixture several times a week, preferably leaving it for 5 minutes before rinsing to see the amazing results

 Coconut Oil :

Coconut oil is packed with anti-fungal compounds, which helps get rid of excess fungi and eliminate dandruff, in addition to being a great moisturizer for the scalp, thus getting rid of dry scalp and preventing the formation of dandruff. Coconut oil is one of the natural remedies for dandruff. Just take a tablespoon of warm coconut oil and apply it directly to the scalp with a massage for 5 minutes and focus on the roots, then cover the head with a shower cap and leave it for 30 minutes to soak overnight, then rinse with water.

baking soda :

Next time you notice a layer of dandruff on your scalp and need to get rid of dead skin, check your kitchen cupboard because baking soda is one of the inexpensive yet effective natural remedies for dandruff. It gets rid of dead cells before they form a crust, as it removes oil The excess in the scalp and check the balance of the hair’s pH to prevent the growth of yeast and try to start by rinsing the hair with water and then take two tablespoons of baking soda and combine them with a few drops of water to get a paste and then massage the scalp making sure to cover the scalp well and rinse then you can use baking soda to dissolve Your shampoo shop.

 Apple cider vinegar :

Apple cider vinegar is one of the elements that help you improve hair health and get rid of dandruff, as it changes the acidity of the scalp, and this makes it more difficult for fungi extracted from yeast and dandruff to grow, which helps to get rid of dandruff permanently. Instead of pouring apple cider vinegar directly on the scalp, it is recommended to relieve Vinegar with water in a spray bottle and spray all over the hair then wrap the head with a towel and leave it for 30 minutes to soak in it and shampoo the hair as usual.

 the Garlic :

One of the amazing things for you is garlic, it is usually used in the treatment of colds. When you chop garlic, the enzyme allicin is released, which is the main active ingredient in garlic and is responsible for many of the health benefits of garlic. Allicin has antibacterial and antifungal properties in addition to antioxidants that prevent infection and prevent the formation of dandruff. You can grind 6 cloves of garlic and leave it for 10 minutes until it begins to form allicin. Mix an amount of organic honey to enhance the antifungal properties and apply it directly to the scalp. It is preferable to leave it for 10 Minutes to rinse with water and shampoo.

olive oil :

Most dandruff problems are due to the dryness of the scalp, olive oil can help treat and relieve this problem and leave the scalp moist because it is an incredible moisturizing agent and provides you relief from a dry scalp. It is preferable to soak olive oil on the scalp to get the best results through Massage the scalp with 3 tablespoons of olive oil and cover the scalp with a shower cap, thus reducing the itching of the scalp.


 Aloe vera:

Aloe vera is an effective treatment for dandruff and exfoliates the scalp well from dead cells, thanks to the strong anti-fungal properties that block bacteria before they spread. Aloe vera also contains pectin, a natural source of fiber, which helps strengthen the scalp and stimulate new cells in the scalp.

You can combine aloe vera with tea tree oil to get the best results by mixing 10 drops of tea tree oil with 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel and applying it to the scalp overnight, then rinsing with water and repeating several times a week to get the best results

Glowing skin
Simple Home Remedies for Glowing Skin

The skin, its beauty and its purity from spots and pigmentation and those black dots is the dream that every female seeks to achieve, especially since the skin is the first evidence of a woman’s interest in herself to the fullest, so care beauty magazine does not hesitate to suggest solutions that give you the best results, including this powerful recipe .

Glowing skin
ingredients you can use to get glowing skin

Madam, you can mix a spoon of fine opportunity flour with a little lemon juice and a spoon of rose water well, then add a spoonful of honey and apply the mixture on your skin and leave it for 30 minutes, then rinse with repeating this recipe for a week, you will see the wonderful result.