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Archives des Pores - Care Beauty

Care Beauty

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June 7, 2023 admin

Carrot and avocado mask for dry skin

This great mask for dry skin contains just a few of our most popular ingredients. Among the components of this mask are antioxidants, which greatly help in combating aging. Carrots are also rich in potassium, which prevents skin dryness and has anti-inflammatory properties, which helps revitalize the skin. Follow with us the steps of this mask in order to enjoy fresh skin free of any dryness.



* Ingredients:

– 1 peeled and mashed carrot.


– 1/2 of an avocado.


– 1 tablespoon of honey.


– 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil (ie

Oil can do the show (except vegetable oil or coconut oil)





– 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.


– 1 egg yolk


* How to prepare :


– Flatten the carrot by steaming or boiling so that it is easy to mash.


Mash the carrot with a fork until it becomes creamy, or put the carrot in a blender until it forms a paste.


Mash the avocado with carrot pulp.

Note: The avocado must be well ripe




Hard to mash with a fork. In this case, I recommend putting unripe avocados with

Carrot in the blender until it is blended.


Then add honey, lemon juice and egg yolk and mix these ingredients well by hand.


Then spread the mask on a clean face for 15 minutes.


During the waiting period, you can mash the remaining half of the avocado with lemon and sea salt and enjoy it as a snack while you are waiting for the mask to finish.

Finally, wash your face from the mask with a warm cloth and remove the dry skin with it, then apply the moisturizer.

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May 28, 2023 admin

Magic mask to tighten the face and shrink large pores

We will show you, my dears, a wonderful mask for the skin, which works to tighten it and reduce large pores. Follow the recipe with us, apply it, and tell us the results.

the components:

1_ An egg white.

2 _ natural lemon drops.



Put the egg whites in a clean bowl.

And add lemon juice to it, as lemon helps remove the unpleasant smell of eggs.

Now clean your face completely with warm water.

After that, apply the mixture with your fingertips. Apply it to your skin in an upward, circular motion.

Leave the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes.

After the time has elapsed, wash your face with warm water and apply an oil-free moisturizing cream to your skin

Note: This mask is suitable for oily skin.

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February 1, 2022 admin

Pore ​​cleansing mask at home

Not always cleaning the pores and the accumulation of dirt and dust in it causes many skin problems, including pimples, and then it turns into the appearance of blackheads that are difficult to get rid of. Or the nose, cheeks and chin, and the reason for this is that the pores in these areas are more spacious than the rest of the body, but do not worry, we will provide you through this topic a way to make more than one mask to clean the pores to protect the skin from blackheads

Skin pore cleaning

Here’s how to make a pore-cleansing mask

First method:


  • bake soda
  • water

Preparation: This is one of the most common ways to clean pores. Make a paste of baking soda using water. Then apply it to your face after washing it well and spread the paste in a circular motion on your face gently, as this will remove any residue, blackheads or Secretions, do this mask three times a week until you get a good result.


Second method:

  • egg white
  • A teaspoon of lemon juice

Preparation: Apply the mask of eggs and lemon juice on your face, leave it until it dries, and then remove it with your hand or a rough cloth.

Third method:


  • 1 teaspoon of oats
  • 1 teaspoon of yogurt
  • A teaspoon of lemon juice
  • A teaspoon of olive oil

Preparation: Mix these ingredients together well and make a paste and put it on your face for fifteen minutes and massage in a circular motion on the cheeks, nose, chin and forehead for five minutes, then wash it off with lukewarm water. This mask gives the skin vitality and freshness. Do this mask day after day.

Fourth method:


  • scrambled egg white

Preparation: Beat the egg white well until it becomes foamy, then put it on your face for 20 minutes, then remove it with a damp cloth, as this mask strengthens the skin and works to prevent the dirt of the pores and the accumulation of dust in it.

Fifth method:


  • Lemonade

Preparation: It is one of the easiest masks that you can do, put lemon on your face for five minutes and then wash it.

Sixth method:



  • Half a cup of flour
  • Half a cup of papaya
  • drops of honey

Preparation: Mix these ingredients well to make a paste, then put it on your face for 15-20 minutes, then remove it with water, as papaya is very useful for removing dust, blackheads and dark spots and also nourishes the skin.

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December 17, 2021 admin

The secret to fighting acne is in your kitchen

Are you tired of unsightly enlarged pores and dreaming of clearer, more radiant skin? Good thing, a natural solution exists!

Generally, combination and oily skin are more predisposed to this type of inconvenience. These thicker skins produce more sebum, this fatty substance essential for the protection of the skin.

The problem is the excess sebum. It dilates the pores which feed on this excess fat. Result, impurities are lodged there and in contact with the air, the comedones oxidize and blacken to finally become what are called blackheads.

The causes can be various; hormonal upheaval, sun exposure, use of inappropriate products disrupting the pH of the skin …

But enlarged pores are far from inevitable. And good news, there is a natural remedy!


The miracle solution? An egg white mask mixed with lemon juice. And yes, it’s that easy!

Egg white is a great skin ally and its properties are numerous. Besides absorbing excess sebum, it contains a very important enzyme called lysozyme. The latter is a natural antibiotic for the skin and it attacks the bacteria responsible for the appearance of comedones. In addition, its concentration of natural emulsifiers promotes deep cleansing of the skin.

Lemon is also an essential ally in the fight against blackheads. Its antiseptic, energizing and purifying properties are ideal for eliminating them and accelerating the drying and healing of pimples.

In summary, the mask with egg white and lemon juice has only qualities. Natural, economical and easy to make, it will be your new beauty secret.

Ingredients :

  • 1 egg white
  • Lemon juice

Preperation :

Separate the white from the egg yolk. Beat the egg white until stiff and apply it immediately to the cleansed face. As soon as the mask is dry, rinse the face and apply lemon juice using a soaked cotton ball.

Warning :

Lemon being photosensitizing, you should not in any case expose yourself to the sun after its application.

In addition, it will be too aggressive for sensitive skin. Then replace it with rose water.

Of course, if the problem persists, consult your dermatologist.

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Prepare a toner to eliminate large pores
December 10, 2021 admin

Prepare a toner to eliminate large pores

Toner is one of the most important products to maintain the beauty of the skin and take care of it and restore moisture and softness to it. It also rids your skin of dead skin and makeup residues after washing. It maintains the balance of the acidity of the skin and closes the large pores, so we offer you a way to prepare it at home with natural ingredients that take care of your beauty.

Prepare a toner to eliminate large pores

2 tablespoons of dried mint that provides comfort and relaxation to the skin by moisturizing it intensely.
Two tablespoons of dried chamomile, which contributes to lightening the skin and purifying it from all the accumulated dirt and sediments, and fights the signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines.
4 cups of water

Method of preparation
– Put the ingredients in a pot on the fire until boiling for 10 minutes and leave the mixture covered for 5 minutes, then strain the mixture and put it in a bottle kept in the refrigerator and use it daily to close the wide pores and restore the freshness of the skin

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