Prepare a toner to eliminate large pores

Prepare a toner to eliminate large pores

Toner is one of the most important products to maintain the beauty of the skin and take care of it and restore moisture and softness to it. It also rids your skin of dead skin and makeup residues after washing. It maintains the balance of the acidity of the skin and closes the large pores, so we offer you a way to prepare it at home with natural ingredients that take care of your beauty.

Prepare a toner to eliminate large pores

2 tablespoons of dried mint that provides comfort and relaxation to the skin by moisturizing it intensely.
Two tablespoons of dried chamomile, which contributes to lightening the skin and purifying it from all the accumulated dirt and sediments, and fights the signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines.
4 cups of water

Method of preparation
– Put the ingredients in a pot on the fire until boiling for 10 minutes and leave the mixture covered for 5 minutes, then strain the mixture and put it in a bottle kept in the refrigerator and use it daily to close the wide pores and restore the freshness of the skin

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