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June 5, 2023 admin

Health from nail color

Nails may be colored in colors other than the colors of the paint that women use for adornment. Rather, they may be colors that indicate a specific disease or health defect.




Blue nails, for example, may mean swollen lungs, a lack of oxygen in the blood, and a high percentage of abnormal hemoglobin in the blood.




And dark, black nails may mean anemia, vitamin B12 deficiency, nail bacteria infection, chronic liver disease or chronic kidney disease, and silver deposits in the nails.




White nails mean the presence of anemia, kidney and liver diseases, and a lack of blood proteins, and when there are white dots on the nails, it means a zinc deficiency.




Malnutrition, arthritis, glaucoma, heart and lung diseases are the meaning of gray nails




As for the greenish nails, their color indicates an allergy to detergents, a bacterial nail infection, or a fungus.



And the yellow color of the nails indicates diseases of the respiratory system, chronic bronchitis, swelling of the hands as a result of obstruction of the lymphatic vessels, liver diseases and diabetes.




Finally, the nails may tend to turn purple or purple, which means severe hypoxia in the blood, circulatory problems, and congenital heart defects.

May 2, 2023 admin

How do nails grow?

How do nails grow?

Nail growth begins originally from the matrix, which is a group of specialized cells at the base of the nail. The only visible part of the matrix is ​​the whitish lunula near the base of the nail.

The hard part of the nail is called the nail surface and it consists of layers
Intense protein, and when the new cells grow, the old cells harden and push out. Either the cuticle or the cuticle is the skin that covers the nail from its base and protects it when it comes out of the matrix.

And the nail of an adult person grows about three milliliters per month with many changes. As for the toenail, it grows by a third to half the pace of the growth of the fingernails. In general, the fingernails need between 4 to 6 months to grow completely, that is, to compensate for all the original cells. Between 12 to 18 months for that.

And the nails of the hands grow faster in children, and the pace of growth reaches its maximum when they reach puberty, to decrease after their twenties, to decrease by 50% over the whole age.

Several cases affect the pace of nail growth, as it increases during pregnancy (by the influence of pregnancy hormones) and decreases during lactation, after exposure to chemotherapy, and in people who suffer from paralysis of the limbs or poor blood circulation.
