Get rid of the accumulated fats in your body that do not give you an ideal slim figure by drinking a drink that tastes delicious and is effective in its results. Follow the following method: You need: A bunch of green mint and 2 sliced lemons. Boil them in a liter and a half …
Does rosehip tea burn fat?
When it comes to weight loss and fat burning, we come across dozens of different types of tea; such as sage, green tea, white tea… The common feature of these teas is that they contribute positively to weight loss when consumed with a correct nutrition program. It is a fact that no tea is a …
Smoothie to Lose Belly Fat
The accumulated fat that is concentrated in the abdomen area is considered the sworn enemy of any woman who wants to have a slim body. The problem of belly fat is that it needs an effective plan to eliminate it that depends on the long breath, and the first steps that must be known to …
Nutrients that help burn fat and lose weight
Dr. Alexandra Razrinova, a Russian nutritionist, announced that natural substances that speed up the metabolism and help burn fat (thermogenes) are many in nature. She says, “These substances raise body temperature, speed up the metabolism, have an effect on burning fat, and activate the central nervous system. These substances are present in many foodstuffs.” …