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May 8, 2023 admin

The magic solution to get rid of acne

Acne, is a source of permanent daily inconvenience to you. To heal acne, this is done slowly. As soon as she begins to disappear, another one appears, other than she was waiting. This continuous and endless battle is repeated over and over in a tiring and despairing fashion. And recently, scientists at the University of California have come up with a new potential treatment against the problem of acne, and the magic solution is the harmless viruses that live in the pores of the skin!


These viruses kill the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes that cause acne, and scientists believe that if they can boost the power of these viruses, they will be able to come up with a definitive treatment for acne.


Under normal circumstances, these types of viruses live in the pores of the skin, along with hair follicles and sebaceous glands that produce sebum to protect the skin and hair from drying out. Acne erupts when the sebaceous glands produce too much sebum, which in turn leads to clogged pores.


In response to this bacteria, the immune system decides to stand against it and attacks it, leading to infections that are in the form of pimples.


“With this virus, we can control the bacteria that cause acne,” said Laura Marinelli, a dermatology researcher at the University of California, Berkeley. “There are a lot of bacteria on the skin that we can use without hurting the immune system.”


The success of this study will lead to making creams or topical treatment for acne, but the appropriate treatment needs focus because bacteria have several healthy functions, such as preserving the skin and preventing infection from other microbes, as Marinelli emphasized: When treating acne, it is necessary to pay attention not to eliminate completely against these viruses.

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May 1, 2023 admin

The easiest way to get rid of blackheads

There are many creams and products issued by brands with the aim of removing blackheads, purifying the skin of toxins and getting rid of their secretions. If you find it difficult to choose the right lotion or cream for you, here is a quick and natural way to get rid of blackheads that accumulate around the nose area. It is Vaseline, an oily cream that has many cosmetic benefits, and here it proves its effectiveness in removing blackheads.
Follow the steps:
>• Put Vaseline on your finger and rub the area under the nose well.

• Use a piece of nylon, and put it on your nose for 5 minutes.
After wetting the area well and the interaction of Vaseline with the steam, which accumulates inside the nylon, you can remove the latter.
Remove Vaseline with a clean towel.
Roll a sterile gauze around your finger, and start squeezing the blackheads from bottom to top.
Repeat this process several times to get rid of all blackheads.
After you are done, apply your moisturizing cream.
Watch out! Here are some aesthetic mistakes that cause an increase in blackheads, so avoid them:

•Do not use your fingers directly to remove blackheads. In this way, you add dirt and bacteria to your pores.>• Shops offer many tools to remove blackheads at home, but you have to be aware that the latter are susceptible to bacteria, which leads to distortions in the skin, if used incorrectly.
Avoid excessive exfoliation. If you have sensitive skin, exfoliation can be harsh on your skin, and can lead to breakouts and blackheads. In this case, we advise you to replace exfoliation with a cleanser that is more gentle and suitable for your skin type.

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May 1, 2023 admin

The magic solution to eliminate acne

Many girls suffer from the appearance of red spots in different parts of their bodies, including the face, which requires them to search for a suitable treatment to get rid of them. There are several causes of red skin spots, including skin diseases, harsh climatic conditions, skin infections, hormonal changes, and even genetic factors. And you can get rid of these stains through the distinctive and easy-to-prepare oatmeal mask. Especially since it is known for its ability to nourish and moisturize the skin, in addition to fighting infections thanks to its richness in antioxidants.

Prepare the mask:

> Two tablespoons of oatmeal powder are mixed with two or three tablespoons of warm water, and half a spoonful of honey, then put the mixture on the red spots and leave it for 5 minutes, then gently massage the skin for several minutes, and leave it again for an additional 5 minutes before washing it with lukewarm water. It is recommended to repeat the treatment at least 3 times a week.

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