The magic solution to get rid of acne

Acne, is a source of permanent daily inconvenience to you. To heal acne, this is done slowly. As soon as she begins to disappear, another one appears, other than she was waiting. This continuous and endless battle is repeated over and over in a tiring and despairing fashion. And recently, scientists at the University of California have come up with a new potential treatment against the problem of acne, and the magic solution is the harmless viruses that live in the pores of the skin!


These viruses kill the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes that cause acne, and scientists believe that if they can boost the power of these viruses, they will be able to come up with a definitive treatment for acne.


Under normal circumstances, these types of viruses live in the pores of the skin, along with hair follicles and sebaceous glands that produce sebum to protect the skin and hair from drying out. Acne erupts when the sebaceous glands produce too much sebum, which in turn leads to clogged pores.


In response to this bacteria, the immune system decides to stand against it and attacks it, leading to infections that are in the form of pimples.


“With this virus, we can control the bacteria that cause acne,” said Laura Marinelli, a dermatology researcher at the University of California, Berkeley. “There are a lot of bacteria on the skin that we can use without hurting the immune system.”


The success of this study will lead to making creams or topical treatment for acne, but the appropriate treatment needs focus because bacteria have several healthy functions, such as preserving the skin and preventing infection from other microbes, as Marinelli emphasized: When treating acne, it is necessary to pay attention not to eliminate completely against these viruses.

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