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June 14, 2023 admin

What to Add to Shampoo: Honey, Olive Oil, and Yeast

What goes into the shampoo? What good does it do to put salt, sugar and aspirin in shampoo?


Many of us complain about the lack of time and want the products we use for hair care to be practical.


We want our hair to be nourished and easy to shape thanks to the products we use with every wash. If you add these ingredients to your shampoo, you can have much fuller and well-groomed hair.


You can also share the ingredients you add to your shampoo and their results via in the comments section below.


fine hair


What does adding dry yeast to shampoo sound like? 🙂


If your hair is very thin, constantly shedding and sticking quickly, thanks to this formula, it will both be nourished and easily shaped and form. Add 1 teaspoon of dry yeast and a little water to a bowl and leave for 10 minutes.


Add this mixture to your usual shampoo. Shake your shampoo before each use. Massage your scalp for 5 minutes and rinse.


Thanks to the B vitamins in dry yeast, your hair will be nourished and look fuller.


You don’t have to add yeast to the shampoo. If you have time, after shampooing your hair, pour the yeast and water mixture on your hair, leave it for 5 minutes and rinse. In this way, your hair will look fuller, it will be easily shaped and nourished.


Have you read our article on Vitamins Good for Hair ? Thanks to these vitamins, your hair strands will become thicker.


Oils mixed into the shampoo will weigh down fine hair. So avoid adding oil to the shampoo.


for hair loss


If your hair is constantly shedding and you do not have any health problems, you can stop your hair loss with vitamin E supplementation. Buy a box of vitamin E from the pharmacy, pierce 2 capsules of vitamin E and pour the liquid inside into your shampoo.


Again, shake before each use. Vitamin E will nourish your hair. Vitamin E has the ability to regenerate cells.


If your hair loss is decreasing with this method, we recommend you to take vitamin E naturally. For example, consume a tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil every day. A handful of nuts eaten daily will also help you get vitamin E naturally.


There are also those who add sugar and salt to the shampoo. Sugar and salt added to the shampoo exfoliate the scalp.


Adding aspirin to shampoo also prevents dandruff. You can try too.



You can crush birth control pills and add them to your shampoo. Although this method is said to increase hair growth, do not use it without consulting your doctor. You need to be careful about the use of drugs containing hormones.


dry hair


If your hair is very dry and the ends are split, it means that it is dehydrated. Add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of olive oil to your shampoo. Remember to shake your shampoo before each use.


In addition, diluting your shampoo a little will also dilute your shampoo

oily hair

If your hair gets greasy very quickly, use laurel soap. Laurel soap will make your hair oily much later. Soap thickens and nourishes your hair strands. If you have used shampoo for many years, you may find the soap a little strange, but after a while, both you and your hair will get used to the soap. Make sure your soap is natural.

Throw 2-3 bay leaves in your shampoo. Use this shampoo with every wash. Bay leaf will remove the oiliness in your hair and help nourish the scalp.

Adding vinegar to shampoo is also very effective. With the addition of a tablespoon of vinegar, you can prevent your hair from getting greasy.

Also, never wash your hair with hot water. Have your water lukewarm, if possible cold. Because hot water will increase the oiliness of your scalp.




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June 5, 2023 admin

Health from nail color

Nails may be colored in colors other than the colors of the paint that women use for adornment. Rather, they may be colors that indicate a specific disease or health defect.




Blue nails, for example, may mean swollen lungs, a lack of oxygen in the blood, and a high percentage of abnormal hemoglobin in the blood.




And dark, black nails may mean anemia, vitamin B12 deficiency, nail bacteria infection, chronic liver disease or chronic kidney disease, and silver deposits in the nails.




White nails mean the presence of anemia, kidney and liver diseases, and a lack of blood proteins, and when there are white dots on the nails, it means a zinc deficiency.




Malnutrition, arthritis, glaucoma, heart and lung diseases are the meaning of gray nails




As for the greenish nails, their color indicates an allergy to detergents, a bacterial nail infection, or a fungus.



And the yellow color of the nails indicates diseases of the respiratory system, chronic bronchitis, swelling of the hands as a result of obstruction of the lymphatic vessels, liver diseases and diabetes.




Finally, the nails may tend to turn purple or purple, which means severe hypoxia in the blood, circulatory problems, and congenital heart defects.

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May 9, 2023 admin

the secret between lack of sleep and the ability to focus

American scientists confirmed that a mutation in one of the genes allows some people to regain their activity and get enough rest without the need for long hours of sleep.


Most people need at least six hours of continuous sleep to restore their activity and ability to focus, but US researchers discovered the existence of a “genetic variable” in some people that makes little sleep enough to restore their activity and carry out their daily duties.


According to the study conducted by researchers at the Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia on 100 pairs of twins, and its results were published in the scientific journal “Sleep”, it was found that the twins who carry a copy of this variable gene “BHLHE41” averaged about 5 hours of sleep at night only, i.e. less About an hour ahead of their peers who do not carry this genetic variant.


The researchers confirmed that the twins who had this genetic variant “BHLHE41” missed 40% less in the concentration test, after depriving them of 38 hours of sleep, and they needed only 8 hours to recover full activity after completing the experiment, while their peers who did not carry this variant. Genie to 9.5 hours to recover.


Scientists found that the genetic variant does not give its owner a different quality of sleep, but rather helps regulate the internal biological clock, so that its number decreases to reach a quality of sleep that gives better memory and better recovery of physical and mental activity. According to Prof. Professor “Timothy Morgenthiral,” President of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, the need for sleep is linked to a biological factor and is not subject to the personal desire of the individual.

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May 1, 2023 admin

Easy home recipes to get rid of yellow nails

Have you started to notice that your nails are losing their natural color and luster and have become yellow? This is due to the bad habits that you practice that negatively affect your nails.

These habits include applying nail polish for more than a week, painting your nails in a dark color directly without using a layer of transparent polish first to protect the nails from dyeing, applying nail polish at all times without allocating a few days a week to rest the nails, and finally using nail polish remover that contains a substance Continuously harmful acetone.

If you suffer from yellow nails, treat this problem with these two easy recipes:>Use denture disinfectant tablets and dissolve them in a bowl of water, then soak your nails in the bowl for several minutes on a daily basis until you get rid of the yellow color completely.

Put a little juice Lemon concentrate on a cotton ball and rub it on the nails and the surrounding skin. This method removes pigment colors on your nails and maintains the health of your nails.

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