A drink to get rid of excess body fat

Get rid of the accumulated fats in your body that do not give you an ideal slim figure by drinking a drink that tastes delicious and is effective in its results. Follow the following method:


You need:

A bunch of green mint and 2 sliced ​​lemons.

Boil them in a liter and a half of water for 5 minutes.

Then mix them and filter them




Squeeze the juice of 4 pears and 2 kiwis and add them to the first mixture.

Drink it as much as possible, but it is preferable to abstain from it in the evening because it contains vitamin C, which causes sleep disturbances.

Drink 45 minutes before or after eating.

Also, one of the drinks that helps to get rid of fat is drinking green tea with a few drops of lemon.

Yeast is a solution to all your skin problems

Skin, hair and body care is important. Learn about the appropriate products to take care of them



Many are the girls who care about the agility of their bodies and follow many diets


who lose a lot of weight, despite the negative reflection on their faces, which appear


It has signs of severe emaciation, which gives the impression of fatigue and disease. and to avoid


So, here is the yeast and honey mask to fatten the face and show it better.


Yeast is one of the most beneficial substances for the body


And skin and hair, according to the latest discovery of its benefits


A team of researchers at Johns Hopkins University and Taiwan National University, they all concluded


That yeast has an effective effect in preserving the youth of the skin, and in delaying the appearance of wrinkles and reducing their percentage,


due to the presence of single-celled organisms inside


Yeast contains a specific protein responsible for


age-related changes. The study showed that suppressing these organisms artificially, can


This leads to rapid aging and a shortened life expectancy. On the other hand, the researchers noted that the recovery of these organisms leads to slower work


Significantly aging protein.



There are three types of yeast



Brewer’s yeast: It is a dough-like substance with a rectangular shape. As for instant yeast,


It is dried yeast sold in the supermarket, in the form of small granules the size of a grain of sugar.


Instant yeast and its benefits


Instant yeast has multiple cosmetic benefits, whether to gain weight


Ideal for hair straightening. But its most prominent benefit is in the freshness and purification of the skin.


Brewer’s yeast contains all of the B vitamins and is beneficial for people with diabetes


From weak nerves and appetite and from thinness. And the use of this yeast is very safe, and it is taken at the rate of two pills


Before the three meals for adults, and a pill before meals for those over twelve to eighteen.



How do you use yeast for the beauty of your skin?



You can prepare a mask for the skin from instant yeast, according to the method of the star Mai Ezz El Din.


Now, Madam Net offers you an ideal way to prepare a yeast mask.



the components:



A spoonful of yeast, a spoonful of honey, a lemon, a spoonful of yogurt.






Mix all the previous ingredients together until they become somewhat cohesive, then put them in


On your face for half an hour, then rub it, before washing your face with lukewarm water. Finish the application by applying a moisturizing cream.


Repeat this mask until you get the desired result

The best diet for diabetics

There is no set diabetes diet, but the foods you eat make a difference in how you manage your diabetes, and also in how much energy you have. This information will help you get to know the three main food groups that make up a healthy, balanced diet.


Choose different foods


How much you need to eat and drink depends on your age, gender, how active you are and what goals you’re aiming to achieve. But no single food contains all the essential nutrients your body needs. This is why a healthy diet is about variety and choosing different foods from each of the major food groups each day.


And when we say balanced, we mean eating more natural, healthy foods and very few unhealthy, processed foods. And while portion sizes have increased in recent years, as the plates and bowls we use have become larger, making it difficult for you to control your weight, it is important to control the amount of food you eat in order to be healthy.


Here are the benefits of each food group, some of which help protect your heart and others that affect blood sugar levels. And they are all really important for your body:





– fruits and vegetables



Fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins





Having diabetes doesn’t mean you can’t eat fruit. Fruit and vegetables are naturally low in calories and full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They also add flavor and variety to every meal. Fresh, frozen and dried fruits and vegetables… they are all important.


Choose a rainbow of colors to get as many vitamins and minerals as possible.


Try to avoid fruit juices and juices in general, as they are high in sugar and do not contain much fiber. If you are trying to limit the amount of carbohydrates you eat, you may be tempted to avoid fruits and vegetables. But it is very important to include them in your diet every day. There are low carb options you can try. Fruits and vegetables can help protect against stroke, heart disease, high blood pressure and some types of cancer, and when you have diabetes, you are more likely to develop these chronic diseases.


Its benefits: Helps keep the digestive system working well. It also helps protect the body from heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer.


What is the required quantity? Everyone should eat at least 5 servings a day. A serving is roughly what fits in the palm of your hand.



– starches


Starchy foods such as potatoes, rice, pasta, bread and bananas contain carbohydrates, which break down into glucose and are used by our cells as fuel. The problem with some starchy foods is that they can quickly raise blood glucose levels, which can make it harder for you to manage your diabetes. These foods have what is called a high glycemic index (GI). Some better choices for starchy foods that affect blood sugar levels more slowly are foods with a lower glycemic index (GI), such as whole-grain bread, whole-wheat pasta, basmati rice, and brown or wild rice. They also contain more fiber, which helps keep your digestive system working well. So, if you’re trying to cut back on carbs, cut back on white bread, pasta and rice first.


Benefits: Fiber helps maintain a healthy digestive system. Whole grains also help protect your heart.


What is the required quantity? Some starchy foods can be eaten every day in a moderate amount.

What do you know about diabetic shock?

Diabetic shock occurs when blood sugar levels drop dangerously low. Diabetic shock is not a medical term, but it is often used by people to describe a situation of severe hypoglycemia that requires the help of another person. People with slightly low blood sugar are usually blood, which doctors call an insulin reaction or hypoglycemia and people with hypoglycemia often experience headaches, dizziness, sweating, shakiness, and a feeling of restlessness,


When a person goes into diabetic shock, or severe hypoglycemia, they may lose consciousness, have difficulty speaking, and experience double vision. Early treatment is essential because blood sugar levels that remain low for too long can lead to seizures or seizures. Diabetic coma. Hypoglycemia can sometimes set in quickly and may occur even when a person is following a diabetes treatment plan.




Blood sugar levels naturally rise and fall throughout the day. Usually, it rises shortly after a meal and dips after physical activity or fasting. Most people do not feel any negative effects from these changes, but they can cause problems for people with diabetes.


Early signs of low blood sugar levels include:




















Symptoms of hypoglycemia often get worse and can be fatal if left untreated. Symptoms of diabetic shock or severe hypoglycemia may include:


Blurry or double vision












trouble speaking




jerky movements

Best food for diabetics

A simple change in diet prevents the development of core symptoms of type 2 diabetes, such as frequent urination and sudden weight loss.


And it became clear to researchers from Sweden that eating foods containing whole grains reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, after following up on the health status of more than 55,000 people over many years.


The researchers point out that such research included only Americans, who were getting whole grain products based on wheat. And now scientists are starting to take an interest in other grains that contain dietary fiber and biologically active substances.


The results showed that all types of whole grains had a positive effect on reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and its symptoms. Among these grains are rye and oats. Whole grain bread, pasta, brown rice, barley, corn, buckwheat and bulgur are also attributed to useful foods.

Do not double the quantities of your food?

There is no need for any increase in the amount of food


The important thing is to ensure the type of food and meet the body’s need for basic elements such as vitamins, calcium and iron…


It is also important that the food be simple, easy to digest, and contain precisely these important elements:


One and a half grams of calcium each time, as this is necessary for the mother and fetus. Calcium is involved in bone formation.


Its most important sources are:


Yogurt… it contains a fair amount of it.


As well as cheese and fresh vegetables…


Iron… It is also found in vegetables and meat, especially liver, eggs, grains, legumes, and preserved fruit…


Vitamin ((A)) is found in eggs, milk, and butter, and vitamin ((B)) comes from unboiled milk, cereals, and fresh vegetables. And vitamin ((C)), which is available in citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, and tangerines, and vitamin ((D)) and its food source is milk, butter, and egg yolk…


There is a belief related to pregnant food, there is no doubt about its error…


It is the belief that says that this food is for two: the mother and her child…


And then you must double the amounts you eat… This is unfounded, and therefore the pregnant woman should not rush to (devour) double amounts of food, but she must eat in moderation…

Signs of vitamin D deficiency in the body

Vitamin D is one of the fat-soluble vitamins and is also called the sunshine vitamin, as the body manufactures it when exposed to ultraviolet rays of the sun, and sunlight is the most important factor in the manufacture of vitamin D in the body through the skin.

Dr. Olesya Savelyeva revealed that rapid fatigue and brittle nails indicate a lack of vitamin D in the body.

She pointed out that vitamin D contributes to many important processes taking place in the body, and is responsible for mood stability and good health.

She explained: “Vitamin D is an essential fat-soluble secosteroid (chemical compound) that can be produced in the body when exposed to sunlight or with foods. This vitamin is responsible for regulating the metabolism of minerals in the body and supporting the immune system, and is necessary for the growth and health of bones and the functioning of the heart. And blood vessels and to reduce inflammation as well as for the functioning of the thyroid gland and normal blood clotting.It also provides mood stability and a good state of health, “according to Russia Today.

She added: “Fatigue, depression, a weak immune system, weight gain, brittle nails and hair, excessive sweating, muscle weakness, sleep disturbances, rapid fatigue and mood swings are all signs indicating a lack of vitamin D in the body.”

And the doctor indicated that the body gets vitamin D with the foods and supplements that the person eats. The body also produces it when exposed to sunlight, as 15-30 minutes are sufficient to produce the body’s daily need of it.

Sources of Vitamin D

And she adds, “The most important sources of vitamin D are dairy products, mushrooms, fatty fish, and egg yolks. When you need to compensate for its deficiency, you must first consult a doctor who determines the appropriate dose of it.”

Charcoal juice, a new discovery for weight loss

It is natural for every woman to want a graceful body and a wonderful look, so she strives to maintain a stable and healthy weight, but it is very difficult for many who suffer from obesity or overweight and are trying to lose weight through the use of medications, creams and various diets. It is her duty to eliminate the extra kilograms so that the woman feels She has a beautiful and healthy body. Several drugs have been launched on the market today, such as creams and pills that suppress appetite and dissolve excess fat in the body to help people lose weight faster, but on the other hand, these drugs may not be of any benefit at times and the weight remains the same. Today, a new product has been launched in the market, and we will introduce you to it. it through the women’s magazine




> Lose weight with charcoal juice:

Charcoal juice is one of the most popular products in the market today, as it has proven effective in losing weight quickly

> This is an incentive to reach the ideal weight. The system of this juice follows the detox systems that get rid of toxins in the body

>It is an appetite suppressant and has other advantages because it is made of charcoal, so it helps your skin to maintain its freshness.

> There is also charcoal juice with lemon, which is one of the best purifying juices. Charcoal consists of burnt organic materials and walnut shell juice.

> India, which provides the body with a negative electrical charge that allows the removal of toxins from the body.>

> From any health problems to avoid any effects of charcoal juice on your health.

What is the normal blood sugar level?

The normal blood sugar level and at a normal level is necessary for each of us to know to maintain his safety. Blood sugar is the sugar that the blood carries to all the cells of the body to provide it with the energy it needs. A person needs to maintain blood sugar levels in a safe range to reduce the risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

The body gets sugar from the foods it eats, and the human body regulates blood glucose levels so that they always remain moderate, that is, enough glucose to nourish cells, but not too much of it, which causes diabetes.

And blood sugar levels change throughout the day, for example, blood glucose levels rise after eating, then stabilize again about an hour after eating, and are at their lowest levels before the first meal of the day.

What is glucose?

Glucose is the product of glycolysis in the body, and is the main source of energy in the body, which is carried by the blood to all parts of the body. When a person eats carbohydrates through their diet, the digestive system processes them and digests them into sugar molecules of different compositions. Complex carbohydrates such as the sugar lactose in dairy products are difficult for the body to break down, as they contain different types of sugar molecules.

Sugar passes directly from the digestive system into the bloodstream after a person has eaten and digested it. However, glucose can only enter the cells if there is an adequate amount of the hormone insulin also present in the bloodstream, which is responsible for making the cells ready to receive glucose. Cells will become hungry without enough insulin, or if they become resistant to its effects, which is known as diabetes.

The liver and muscles store excess glucose in the form of glycogen, which plays an important role in achieving homeostasis in the body, as it helps the body to function during starvation states. If a person does not eat for a short period of time, glucose concentrations in the blood will decrease, as the pancreas releases another hormone called glucagon, which works to break down stored glycogen into glucose, thus returning blood sugar to normal levels.

What is the blood sugar level?

Some health organizations, such as the American Diabetes Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, offer the following guidelines about normal blood sugar levels for people without diabetes:

random glucose measurement

Blood sugar is measured randomly throughout the day, that is, at any time without linking to eating times. Normal blood sugar levels are less than 200 mg/dL. If your random blood sugar levels are above 200 mg/dL, then you have diabetes.

fasting blood sugar

Measure your blood sugar while fasting, when it has been at least 8 hours since you last ate. The normal levels of sugar in the blood in this case is less than 100 mg / dL, while it is between 80-130 mg / dL in people with diabetes.

Blood sugar two hours after eating

Measure your blood sugar two hours after starting a meal, or two hours after eating any sugary liquid. Normal blood sugar levels in this case are less than 140 mg/dL, while it is less than 180 mg/dL in people with diabetes.

What are the causes of high blood sugar level?

Persistently high blood sugar is known as diabetes. High blood sugar usually occurs when there is not enough insulin in the body, or when the body’s cells are less sensitive to insulin. Common symptoms of high blood sugar include:

  • Dry mouth.
  • frequent urination.
  • Increased feeling of thirst.
  • Fatigue, dizziness and blurred vision.
  • Headache and nausea.

High blood sugar may also cause insulin resistance, which reduces the sensitivity of cells to insulin and this leads to type 2 diabetes. The long-term complications of diabetes affect the small blood vessels that supply nerves, the kidneys, the retina of the eye, and other organs. And the constant rise in blood sugar causes some serious problems, such as:

  • vision loss;
  • Kidney disease.
  • Erectile dysfunction in men.
  • Diabetic foot
  • Increased risk of heart attacks and strokes.


Why do blood sugar levels drop?

Hypoglycemia occurs when blood sugar concentrations fall below normal. People with diabetes  are more likely to have low blood sugar levels. Symptoms of low blood sugar levels include:

  • Twitching lips.
  • Trembling hands and some other parts of the body.
  • pale face .
  • Excessive sweating.
  • Palpitations or increased heart rate.
  • dizziness or lightheadedness;

The main causes of low blood sugar levels are:

  • Having diabetes.
  • Some medicines, such as malaria treatments.
  • Getting large doses of insulin.
  • Some diseases such as acute hepatitis, and kidney disorders.

What can I do to control sugar levels?

Eating a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, maintaining a healthy weight, and getting some physical activity regularly can help control blood sugar. There are some tips that will help with that, and they are as follows:

  • Keep track of your blood sugar levels to see what makes them go up or down.
  • Eat at regular times, and do not miss meals.
  • Always choose foods that are low in calories, saturated fats, trans fats, and sugar, as these can all raise blood sugar levels.
  • Drink water instead of juices or sweetened beverages.