Do not double the quantities of your food?

There is no need for any increase in the amount of food


The important thing is to ensure the type of food and meet the body’s need for basic elements such as vitamins, calcium and iron…


It is also important that the food be simple, easy to digest, and contain precisely these important elements:


One and a half grams of calcium each time, as this is necessary for the mother and fetus. Calcium is involved in bone formation.


Its most important sources are:


Yogurt… it contains a fair amount of it.


As well as cheese and fresh vegetables…


Iron… It is also found in vegetables and meat, especially liver, eggs, grains, legumes, and preserved fruit…


Vitamin ((A)) is found in eggs, milk, and butter, and vitamin ((B)) comes from unboiled milk, cereals, and fresh vegetables. And vitamin ((C)), which is available in citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, and tangerines, and vitamin ((D)) and its food source is milk, butter, and egg yolk…


There is a belief related to pregnant food, there is no doubt about its error…


It is the belief that says that this food is for two: the mother and her child…


And then you must double the amounts you eat… This is unfounded, and therefore the pregnant woman should not rush to (devour) double amounts of food, but she must eat in moderation…

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