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June 9, 2023 admin

Dizziness, Drowsiness, Fatigue And Feeling Faint

Causes of dizziness and lethargy



dizziness, lethargy;


Dizziness is the feeling of vertigo and the inability to maintain the balance of the body, and this is caused by an imbalance in the amount of blood reaching the brain, and dizziness may lead to loss of consciousness, lethargy is the inability to move the body, loss of energy in the human body, and a sense of lack of focus.



Types of dizziness


Short dizziness, as it appears suddenly and for a short period of time, and whoever feels it must sit down and not stand, especially in high places.


Dizziness when standing, which is what a person feels when he stands quickly from a long sitting position.


Dizziness associated with long periods of sleep.


Continuous dizziness, which has bad effects on the person and may be due to a health defect.


Dizziness at sea, which can lead to vomiting.



Causes of dizziness and lethargy


Problems in the blood production process and hemoglobin deficiency.


Imbalance in blood sugar.


Too much or too little ventilation.


Not getting enough blood to the brain.


Ear problems, such as otitis media.


Meniere’s disease.




• Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.




Causes of dizziness and lethargy in women


The need to increase the level of sugar in the body.


Imbalance in the amount of different vitamins and minerals in the body, and the urgent need for them.


Body stress due to excess nervousness.


The participation of the fetus in the woman’s food, which causes her to feel dizzy and lethargic during pregnancy.


Neglecting to move the body and not resorting to sports.


An imbalance in the number of hours of sleep, i.e. an increase or decrease in it.


Pollution of the environment with many harmful chemicals.


Exercising a bad smoking habit, or exposure to secondhand smoke.


Continuous and continuous work without taking enough rest.



accompanying symptoms


• Desire to sleep continuously.


• Blurred vision, and the feeling that things are spinning.


Inability to carry or push things.


Lack of focus and distraction.


Loss of appetite and inability to eat.


• Sensation of a shiver in the hands.



Dizziness and lethargy treatment


In order for dizziness and lethargy to be treated, the cause must first be known and treated by going to the doctor and doing the necessary examinations, and taking the necessary treatments, whether they are preventive or pharmacological treatments, and the body must not be exhausted during the day, take an adequate amount of sleep during the night, eat food that strengthens the blood, and breathe Properly away from pollutants and smoke, and exercise to help relax.




There are many natural drinks that revitalize the body and get rid of dizziness and lethargy, including: natural apple juice, lemon juice with honey, various citrus fruits, and milk.

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May 17, 2023 admin

Risks of the consequences of psychological stress for men

Dr. Maxim Tyganov, a urologist, declared that men suffer more from the consequences of stress than women.


In an interview with the “Izvestia” newspaper, he points out that stress in men often develops into a chronic condition


“Of course, reactions to stress negatively affect men’s health,” he says. “Because women are more emotionally mobile, and men are used to facing difficulties themselves. Therefore, male stress often develops into a chronic condition.”


And he adds, stress causes hormonal imbalance, as the secretion of adrenaline and cortisol increases in men. And the hormone cortisol over time begins to discourage testosterone, which is reflected in the composition of sperm – its quality decreases.


He points out that testosterone is responsible not only for sexual desire, but also for muscle growth, strengthening bone tissue, memory and attention. Moreover, hormonal imbalance leads to cancer and cardiovascular disease.


And, he adds, there is no specific way to combat stress. But it is better not to remain silent about the existing problems. It should be discussed with close people or specialists.

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May 9, 2023 admin

Inhaling polluted air increases the risk of depression

Long-term breathing of polluted air increases the risk of depression, according to two recent studies, adding to growing evidence of the impact of harmful pollution on mental health.


The first study, published last week in the journal Gamma Psychology, included a group of about 390 people in the UK who were followed for about 11 years, and the levels of pollution they were exposed to were studied based on their home addresses.


The researchers studied the levels of particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and nitric oxide (NO), which are polluting gases from fossil fuel power plants and road traffic.


PM2.5 is defined as particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5 microns or less, and PM10 as a particulate matter with a diameter of 10 microns or less.


multiple pollutants


The researchers concluded that “long-term exposure to multiple pollutants is associated with an increased risk of depression and anxiety.”


“While air quality standards in many countries still far exceed the latest recommendations of the World Health Organization in 2021, more stringent pollution standards or rules should be defined,” the study authors said.


As for the second study, published Friday in the journal “Jama Open Network”, it focused on the effect of fine particles (PM2.5), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ozone (O3) on people over 64 years of age.


The study included 8.9 million people, including 1.5 million suffering from depression, and dealt with the impact of air pollution on suffering from depression at an advanced stage of life.


The study was based on a database from Medicare, a health insurance system for the elderly in the United States.


Strong link between pollution and depression


The result showed a strong link between pollution and depression, specifically by monitoring levels of particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide.


This link may be explained by the relationship observed between higher concentrations of pollutants and inflammation in the brain, according to the two studies.


“There is a strong link between inflammation and depression,” said Oliver Robinson, a professor of neuroscience and mental health at University College London who was not involved in the studies.


He explained that the results of the two studies “add to the growing evidence that we should be concerned about the effects of pollution on mental health, in addition to the more clear links between pollution” and respiratory diseases.

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May 2, 2023 admin

Treating anxiety without medication

Psychological anxiety is one of the disturbing pathological conditions that a large number of people in the Arab world suffer from, and it results from thinking about all the details and trying to get rid of them at the same time.


Psychological anxiety is several widespread psychological disorders, and it can also be defined as a state of tension towards the future. According to Dr. Maan Al-Abki, a specialist in psychiatry and addiction treatment.


Psychological anxiety results in the appearance of a group of physical symptoms on the patient, which makes him resort to a number of doctors from different specialties, until he discovers that the cause of these symptoms is a psychological problem, not an organic one, so he is forced to resort to a psychiatrist; Help him get rid of this feeling.


“Madam Net” informs you in the following about ways to treat psychological anxiety without medication, and the symptoms associated with it.


Symptoms of psychological anxiety


Psychological anxiety is accompanied by the appearance of several physical symptoms on the person affected, including:


1- Feeling dizzy and imbalanced.


2- Feeling a headache.


3- Ringing in the ears.


4- Feeling chest pain.


5- Heart palpitations.


6- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.


7- Muscle and joint pain.


8- Feeling a general fatigue in the body without making an effort.


9- Not being able to sleep.


10- Stress and quick anger.


Methods of treating psychological anxiety without medication


According to the specialist in psychiatry, Malik Al-Shami, psychological anxiety can be treated without medication, by:


1- Deep breathing, which plays an effective role in reducing anxiety.


2- Acceptance of feelings; Because it helps to get rid of psychological anxiety.


3- Expressing feelings, and it must be in a positive way, and paper and pen can be used to organize thoughts, and reduce anxiety as well, with the need not to give in to negative thoughts.


4- Avoid dealing with negative people.


5- Focusing on the present moment, not thinking about the future and thinking about worst-case scenarios. because this causes an increase in anxiety.


6- Changing the skills of dealing with crises, and learning new skills.


7- Not self-flagellation; Because this causes increased stress and anxiety, and leads to an imbalance in the performance of human functional tasks.

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May 1, 2023 admin

Charcoal juice, a new discovery for weight loss

It is natural for every woman to want a graceful body and a wonderful look, so she strives to maintain a stable and healthy weight, but it is very difficult for many who suffer from obesity or overweight and are trying to lose weight through the use of medications, creams and various diets. It is her duty to eliminate the extra kilograms so that the woman feels She has a beautiful and healthy body. Several drugs have been launched on the market today, such as creams and pills that suppress appetite and dissolve excess fat in the body to help people lose weight faster, but on the other hand, these drugs may not be of any benefit at times and the weight remains the same. Today, a new product has been launched in the market, and we will introduce you to it. it through the women’s magazine




> Lose weight with charcoal juice:

Charcoal juice is one of the most popular products in the market today, as it has proven effective in losing weight quickly

> This is an incentive to reach the ideal weight. The system of this juice follows the detox systems that get rid of toxins in the body

>It is an appetite suppressant and has other advantages because it is made of charcoal, so it helps your skin to maintain its freshness.

> There is also charcoal juice with lemon, which is one of the best purifying juices. Charcoal consists of burnt organic materials and walnut shell juice.

> India, which provides the body with a negative electrical charge that allows the removal of toxins from the body.>

> From any health problems to avoid any effects of charcoal juice on your health.

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January 1, 2022 admin

How to train your brain to stop worrying


When it comes to our mental health, feeling anxious is an evil that we must get rid of, some believe that anxiety  is just a bad habit that we can get rid of by practice, and others believe that anxiety leads to a goal as it helps us learn from past mistakes and civilize to avoid such mistakes in The future, whether feeling anxious is a good thing or a bad thing, anxiety takes over our mind when we focus on the future that we can’t control.



Frustration is focusing on past events that we wish to change and anxiety is focusing on future events that we cannot control. But most importantly, instead of worrying, you can choose to prepare for any event that worries you, and in this article we will discuss several effective ways to be able to train your mind to Stop worrying 

  • Stop your mind from worrying by writing down what worries you:

One of the useful ways to train your brain to stop worrying is to write down what worries you and keeps you awake on paper. Also, writing what you think is a way to alert your mind as if you were telling it that this is a very important matter, so we write it and your mind is now free to think about solving the problem instead of worrying.

  • Practicing meditation for a worry-free mind

Meditation may help your brain stop worrying. Researchers in the Journal of Psychiatry have studied the effect of meditation and found that meditation reduces cognitive anxiety.

Although many people think that they do not have time to meditate, meditation is very easy. Close your eyes for 30 seconds or more. By blocking any sources of stress, you are training your brain to stop worrying.

When you take a little time to banish any unnatural noises from your life, you focus on what is important to you; You may feel anxious during the process of meditation and this is a normal thing, and professionals in the art of training the mind are advised to watch those disturbing thoughts as they enter the mind and watch them come out of it like a cloud on a fresh day.

  • Exercising to train your mind and body to stop worrying:

Anxiety is how your brain learns to survive to decide whether to fight or run. If a tiger attacks you, you will immediately feel a surge of adrenaline and the fear response is the same as what happens to your body when you worry, but on a lower level and over a longer period of time.

In the same study published in the Journal of Psychiatry, it was found that exercising is good for you, especially when your body feels symptoms of anxiety.

If your body feels low symptoms of stress, your mind will translate this as there is not much to worry about because the body is not in a very excited state.

Exercising gives your body another reason to accelerate anxiety and breathing, which we may feel when anxious.

Exercising helps lower blood pressure, which is another physical symptom of stress in the body; If you feel anxious, go for a walk for 5 to 10 minutes outside and contemplate the landscape, focusing on the movement of your limbs and your breathing.

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