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June 25, 2023 admin

What Vitamins and Minerals Are Good for Hair?

Do you have a hair obsession too? Are you researching what vitamins are good for hair ?


Is your hair thin, weak and falling out?


What vitamin is nourished by the hair, which vitamin is needed for the hair to grow stronger?


What vitamins are good for hair?


You want to use vitamins against hair loss; but you’re confused, aren’t you? See, which vitamin comes first for your hair?


Zinc: One of the most important minerals for hair is zinc. In zinc deficiency, your hair falls out. Zinc balances oil production in the hair.


It is abundant in liver, chicken meat, fish, milk and almonds. Don’t forget to add the pumpkin seeds.


However, it is very difficult to get zinc from food. Therefore, you should use it in tablet form. Do not neglect to use zinc tablets of a herbal brand.


Zinc nourishes not only the hair, but also your nails and skin; It is a cell regenerator.


Vitamin E: While we are talking about which vitamins are good for hair loss, let’s not forget the cell-renewing vitamin E.


It is found in nuts, olive oil, green leafy vegetables and red meat.


Just consuming vitamin E is not enough. It must be driven from the outside as well. You can also add it to your shampoo. We talked about what adds to the shampoo before in our post.


Vitamin A: Provides the development and lengthening of hair strands.


In red colored fruits and vegetables; in lettuce and spinach; It is also abundant in liver and fish.


Folic acid: Folic acid is vitamin B9.


Makes hair look lively and vibrant.


It is abundant in raw spinach. Folic acid is present in cabbage, broccoli, nuts and liver, apart from spinach.

Vitamin B4: Vitamin B4 is very important for the hair follicles, that is, the structure formed by the cells at the base of the hair.


It is also found in cabbage, meat, tomatoes, egg yolks and potatoes.


Vitamin B5: Helps to grow and strengthen hair.


Available in avocado, cauliflower, broccoli and peanuts.


Vitamin B6: It is a wonderful vitamin that revitalizes the hair.


It is found in bananas, potatoes, nuts, meat, fish, cabbage and spinach.


Selenium: If you have dandruff in your hair, here is your mineral. It prevents dandruff and revitalizes the scalp.


It is found in chocolate, meat, tomatoes, tuna and eggs.


Iron: If your hair is thinning and falling out, first think of iron deficiency. Because iron nourishes the hair follicles.


It is abundant in walnuts, meat, egg yolk and liver.


How to use vitamin ampoules that are good for hair?


Vitamins and minerals that are good for hair can also be used in ampoules.


You can buy vitamin B and E ampoules from the pharmacy and add them to your shampoo. Or you can apply it directly to your scalp.


It is also sold in the form of vitamin pills that are good for hair. You can pierce them with a pin and use them however you want.


Hair-beneficial vitamins, it’s not that complicated, is it? 🙂


We have listed the best vitamins for hair.




June 14, 2023 admin

What to Add to Shampoo: Honey, Olive Oil, and Yeast

What goes into the shampoo? What good does it do to put salt, sugar and aspirin in shampoo?


Many of us complain about the lack of time and want the products we use for hair care to be practical.


We want our hair to be nourished and easy to shape thanks to the products we use with every wash. If you add these ingredients to your shampoo, you can have much fuller and well-groomed hair.


You can also share the ingredients you add to your shampoo and their results via in the comments section below.


fine hair


What does adding dry yeast to shampoo sound like? 🙂


If your hair is very thin, constantly shedding and sticking quickly, thanks to this formula, it will both be nourished and easily shaped and form. Add 1 teaspoon of dry yeast and a little water to a bowl and leave for 10 minutes.


Add this mixture to your usual shampoo. Shake your shampoo before each use. Massage your scalp for 5 minutes and rinse.


Thanks to the B vitamins in dry yeast, your hair will be nourished and look fuller.


You don’t have to add yeast to the shampoo. If you have time, after shampooing your hair, pour the yeast and water mixture on your hair, leave it for 5 minutes and rinse. In this way, your hair will look fuller, it will be easily shaped and nourished.


Have you read our article on Vitamins Good for Hair ? Thanks to these vitamins, your hair strands will become thicker.


Oils mixed into the shampoo will weigh down fine hair. So avoid adding oil to the shampoo.


for hair loss


If your hair is constantly shedding and you do not have any health problems, you can stop your hair loss with vitamin E supplementation. Buy a box of vitamin E from the pharmacy, pierce 2 capsules of vitamin E and pour the liquid inside into your shampoo.


Again, shake before each use. Vitamin E will nourish your hair. Vitamin E has the ability to regenerate cells.


If your hair loss is decreasing with this method, we recommend you to take vitamin E naturally. For example, consume a tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil every day. A handful of nuts eaten daily will also help you get vitamin E naturally.


There are also those who add sugar and salt to the shampoo. Sugar and salt added to the shampoo exfoliate the scalp.


Adding aspirin to shampoo also prevents dandruff. You can try too.



You can crush birth control pills and add them to your shampoo. Although this method is said to increase hair growth, do not use it without consulting your doctor. You need to be careful about the use of drugs containing hormones.


dry hair


If your hair is very dry and the ends are split, it means that it is dehydrated. Add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of olive oil to your shampoo. Remember to shake your shampoo before each use.


In addition, diluting your shampoo a little will also dilute your shampoo

oily hair

If your hair gets greasy very quickly, use laurel soap. Laurel soap will make your hair oily much later. Soap thickens and nourishes your hair strands. If you have used shampoo for many years, you may find the soap a little strange, but after a while, both you and your hair will get used to the soap. Make sure your soap is natural.

Throw 2-3 bay leaves in your shampoo. Use this shampoo with every wash. Bay leaf will remove the oiliness in your hair and help nourish the scalp.

Adding vinegar to shampoo is also very effective. With the addition of a tablespoon of vinegar, you can prevent your hair from getting greasy.

Also, never wash your hair with hot water. Have your water lukewarm, if possible cold. Because hot water will increase the oiliness of your scalp.




June 7, 2023 admin

5 tips that guarantee the treatment of hair loss for women within weeks

Today, we tell you about tips that guarantee the treatment of hair loss for women. You will notice its effect by reducing this problem within weeks, as well as restoring health and luster to its locks, and enhancing the strength and growth of its follicles.


Hair loss is one of the most prominent aesthetic problems that women suffer from, and if it is neglected, it will cause other problems, such as baldness, hair breakage, weakness and dullness. To avoid this, you must adhere to the application of the following tips.


Providing nutrients that are beneficial to hair


It is difficult for many women to treat hair loss for women, believing that the preparations intended for that are sufficient, but ensuring their effectiveness is by providing the body with nutrients important for hair growth and treating weak follicles that cause hair breakage, such as iron, vitamin E and biotin, and among the important foods in this context are grains, vegetables Paper and fish.




Here, we stress the need to conduct blood tests that show what nutrients you are severely deficient in, in order to replace them with foods and nutritional supplements if necessary.


Live a healthy lifestyle


Bad lifestyle habits, such as staying up late, lethargy, eating unhealthy foods, and smoking, cause many aesthetic problems, most notably hair loss. Hence, the need to completely refrain from practicing it, and to live a healthy lifestyle.


Take advantage of the properties of natural oils


Use natural oils that treat hair problems, especially those that strengthen the follicles and promote their growth, such as castor oil and coconut oil, whether by adding a few drops of them to the shampoo, or by massaging your scalp with it 3 hours before taking a shower.


Reducing the use of thermal styling tools


Thermal styling tools destroy hair health, and it is one of the most common causes of hair loss. If you want to solve this problem, you must stop using it during the period during which you treat it.


Scalp massage


It is a very important step, as it enhances blood circulation in this area, thus allowing the distribution of hair nutrients found in hair care products or oils that you use, to penetrate deeply and strengthen the follicles.

May 9, 2023 admin

How can hair loss be treated?

Hair is an important aesthetic element in the outward appearance of all people. Keeping it healthy and strong depends on various factors such as age, genetics or nutrition. What is the ideal way to protect hair from falling out?


Hair loss is a common problem, with nearly 80 percent of men and half of women experiencing hair loss during their lifetime. Studies have shown that hair, like the rest of the body, needs many vitamins and nutrients in order to grow in good health and appear healthy and vibrant.


And when we cannot obtain the important components of hair in food daily, or the body’s consumption is much greater than the needs in certain cases, it is better to turn to nutritional supplements.


Hair loss can occur for many reasons, including genetics, aging, autoimmune diseases, hormonal changes, and stress. Also, some common types of hair loss include androgenetic alopecia, alopecia areata, and telogen effluvium caused by exposure to a traumatic event, great stress and stress, or the use of certain medications. According to what was published by the American (Medical News Today) website.


Healthy food for healthy hair


The body needs a lot of energy to make hair grow healthy and strong. Thus, not eating a balanced diet affects hair growth and its nature. For this reason, it is better to get vitamins and nutrients and follow a healthy diet that includes the vitamins and proteins needed for hair growth, such as eggs, fatty fish, prawns, various types of berries, avocados, citrus fruits, and others.

May 1, 2023 admin

Get rid of hair loss gradually

The problem of hair loss is one of the problems that most girls suffer from, and despite that, the solutions related to this problem are limited to some fake advice or promises that are completely devoid of effectiveness. As for the effective and optimal solution, it is the solution that advises you to stay away from the causes of this loss, Hair loss at a rate of 25 to 50 hairs per day may decrease to 10 or 15 hairs per day, and thus you will have succeeded in gradually getting rid of this problem, and you can then search for solutions that contribute to stopping it completely. >


Here are some causes of hair loss to get rid of it gradually:



>1. Using hair dryers daily makes your hair more susceptible to damage and loss, as well as if you like to color your hair constantly>

>This will lead to hair loss, so make sure to give your hair a break every once in a while and use products that promote hair growth to avoid

> frequent falls.

>2. Make sure to follow a healthy diet that contains vitamins that nourish your hair, in addition to eating foods that contain

> I have omega 3, such as salmon and tuna, and if you have difficulty obtaining these vitamins through food, you can

>Take it through dietary supplement tablets.

>3. Avoid using hot water on your hair and use lukewarm or cold water to reduce hair loss.

>4. Put aloe vera on your hair, as it is a great treatment for hair loss. Because it helps to increase the growth of hair follicles and prevents

>falling out


>5. Use hair nourishing oils such as rosemary oil and jojoba oil as a weekly oil bath to nourish your hair and prevent hair loss.
