Spicy lentil soup with carrots and yogurt


Ingredients of the method of making hot lentil soup with carrots and yogurt:

1 cup lentils 

2 cups chopped carrots

 1 cup of yogurt 

1 tablespoon cilantro 

1 tablespoon hot pepper

 1 tablespoon salt

 2 cups broth

 1 tablespoon chopped celery 

1 tablespoon cumin 

2 tablespoon olive oil

How to make hot lentil soup with carrots and yogurt:

1- Bring a bowl and put the olive oil, chili pepper and cumin, and stir well.

2- Add the carrots, celery, lentils and broth and leave them on the stove until the ingredients are soft.

3- Mix with the electric beater, then season the soup with salt, pepper and coriander and let it heat up a little.

4- Serve the soup in a serving dish, put a spoonful of yogurt on each plate, stir, and serve hot.

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