Some home steps to get rid of wrinkles

Some home steps to get rid of wrinkles


Who is not afraid of wrinkles on her face? And who among us does not take even a small step to get rid of those annoying lines that begin to appear at a certain age? But the result remains unconvincing, so in order to preserve the freshness and youth of your skin, we put in your hands some simple home remedies that you can apply easily from your kitchen to get rid of wrinkles and prevent their appearance:


1- Always eat healthy food


Make sure my lady that following a balanced diet will give you a healthy appearance and give your skin the freshness of youth. So, make sure that your diet is rich in grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and includes foodstuffs with natural antioxidants, such as vegetables rich in fiber and healthy natural fruits that are free of chemical preservatives. Because these chemicals lead to the decomposition of collagen and this is one of the direct causes of the appearance of wrinkles. Try to drink at least 6 or 4 liters of water a day because water is the best solution to moisturize the skin. Avoid as much as possible stimulating fluids such as coffee and tea, and increase the intake of dairy and cheese, and provide daily vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Eat every morning chopped ginger mixed with honey, and drink a tablespoon of flaxseed oil four times a day because flaxseed oil is very effective in treating wrinkles, but make sure your body can tolerate this oil because it may sometimes cause diarrhea.


2- Try these homemade recipes


Many people agree that bananas are an anti-wrinkle remedy, so mash a quarter of a banana well until it becomes like cream, then wipe your face with it and leave it for 15 or 20 minutes, then wash your face with lukewarm water and then sprinkle it with a little cold water.


Try the green apple and pineapple remedy. Squeeze these fruits and then put the juice on your face for 15 minutes before washing it with cold water. Repeat this process on a daily basis and you will notice that the wrinkles will disappear with time.


Lemon is a healthy antidote for the body, and putting it on a daily basis on the skin helps it get rid of wrinkles and other problems.


Massage the areas that complain of the appearance of wrinkles with coconut oil daily before going to bed.


– Empty the contents of three vitamin E capsules into a small bowl, add two teaspoons of yogurt, half a teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of lemon juice, then mix the mixture and wipe your face with a cotton pad and leave it for 10 minutes before washing it off.


Wipe the area around your eyes with egg whites.


Prepare this effective mixture consisting of a quarter cup of soaked perennial herbs, a quarter of a cup of hamamelis, and ten drops of fragrant patchouli oil. Store this mixture in a bottle and wipe the wrinkled areas with a cotton ball.


Keep a number of non-rusting steel spoons in the refrigerator, then take them out the next morning and place the flat end over your eyes. It is reported that this method is very effective to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes.

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