Smooths for better vision and faster metabolism

Food certainly plays an important role in eye health you. Believe it or not, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants directly affect eye function.


You are always exposed to factors that affect your vision and can cause various eye diseases. That is why it is important to make sure that you eat enough food that maintains eye health.


The recipe combines the following organic and low-calorie ingredients:


Gel from aloe veraWalnuts Honey Lemon juice


These four ingredients make this recipe for smoothie really very healthy. Together they contain many vitamins, minerals, as well as essential fatty acids. All of these nutrients can not only protect but also improve your vision.


So, let’s take a look at what each of the four ingredients in this smoothie recipe can do for your health!


Aloe vera – health benefits


First of all, there are biogenic stimulants. These substances increase the production of white blood cells and promote phagocytosis. In addition, they stimulate living tissue and promote its healing.


These benefits make aloe vera a great ally in the treatment of eye diseases. It can therefore be useful for protection against cataracts. You can also drink it to combat corneal weakness.


Walnuts – health benefits


Walnuts are rich in essential fatty acids and antioxidants. For this reason, they are highly recommended for maintaining eye health.




Their moderate consumption encourages the removal of toxins while improving blood circulation. In addition, when consumed in reasonable quantities, they lower cholesterol levels.


These benefits, along with their ability to stop harmful oxidation, make them a good choice for preventing vision problems.


In addition, they maintain metabolic functions as they help control glucose. In addition, they are useful for regulating the accumulation of lipids.


Honey health benefits


Its antibiotic and therapeutic properties make it great for your eyes as they help prevent infections and chronic diseases.


In addition, honey has been shown to improve visual acuity. In this regard, it may even be as effective as some conventional pharmacy treatments.


As if these benefits are not enough, its high content of natural sugars gives your body an energy boost. This promotes fat and calorie burning.


Lemon juice – health benefits


Lemon juice provides many benefits to your immune system, eye health and metabolism.


First of all, lemon is one of the best sources of vitamin C. It is a powerful antioxidant. It is good for preventing both cataracts and macular degeneration.


In addition, there are natural acids and oils that protect the eye tissue from infections.








6 1/2 tablespoons aloe vera (100 g)1/2 cup ground walnuts (50 g)1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)the juice of 2 lemons




First wash the aloe vera leaves well.Then remove the gel with a spoon.Then place the gel in a container of water.Allow to boil for 10 minutes.It is then cooled in the refrigerator for 12 hours.Then add to the blender along with the other ingredients. Blend until well mixed and become creamy.

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