Simple steps to prevent skin cancer

Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the world, and early detection can significantly increase the control of this type of cancer.


Skin cancer occurs when skin cells begin to multiply abnormally, invade the skin and surrounding tissues, and spread to other parts of the body.


Fortunately, there are some preventative measures to protect against skin cancer:


• Avoid direct exposure to the sun, between 10 am and 4 pm, and sit in the shade whenever possible.


• Wear full-sleeved protective clothing made of tightly woven cotton fabrics.


• Wear hats, scarves and sunglasses, with filters to protect against UV rays, and sunshades can also be used.


• Putting sunscreen on all exposed areas of the body, at least 15 minutes before exposure to the sun, and using a composition that contains “SPF 30” protection, and a waterproof protection must be used, if you are a person prone to sweating, and reapply it every two hours, and it is preferable to use Lotion or gel in the summer, creamy lotions in the winter.


• Vitamin D supplementation has a role in preventing infection.


• Not taking groundwater, and replacing it with treated water for drinking and cooking; To prevent ingestion of high levels of arsenic.





• Eating a diet rich in iron, calcium, zinc and vitamin C, which are good antioxidants and anti-cancer.


Doctors recommend a self-examination of the skin once a month using a full-length mirror, to identify patterns of moles and freckles, and check the armpits, genitals, thighs and buttocks.


The face, neck, chest, back, hands, feet, and nails should be monitored, since skin cancers are more common in areas exposed to the sun, and an annual skin examination by a board-certified dermatologist should be performed.


There are some signs and symptoms of skin cancer to watch for, such as: pale, scar-like areas, raised areas with irregular edges, warty growths, non-healing wounds or sores, asymmetric pigmented areas, or moles that are more in diameter From 6 mm, uneven in color, rapidly developing in size.

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