Natural contraception 4 effective herbs for it

Both women and men want to control having children, contraception is not easy, and there are many types of contraceptive methods that are currently prevalent, but in this article we will learn about natural ways to prevent pregnancy without the need to take medications or other methods.

Some of the options currently available are abstinence, natural family planning, barrier methods such as female or male condoms, hormonal methods such as birth control pills, implantable devices for emergency contraception, such as the coil and other available methods.


There is no preferred method of birth control, each method has its pros and cons and even the most effective method of contraception can fail, with the exception of abstinence.

Some herbal solutions can also be used for birth control, there are some herbs that have the ability to interfere with preventing the implantation of the egg in the uterus, which means that the herbs make it difficult for a fertilized egg to implant in the wall of the uterus, and if the egg is unable to implant in the wall of the uterus. the uterus, they begin to break down and menstruation will occur as usual.


There are four herbs that are very effective methods of birth control and natural contraception:


1. Queen Anne (Wild Carrots):

The herb used as a natural birth control is called Queen Anne, also known as wild carrot, which is basically the seeds collected from the flower head of this herb that act as a contraceptive, as these seeds block the synthesis of progesterone, disrupting implantation, and are more effective as an emergency contraceptive .

Several studies on wild carrot seeds have shown its effectiveness in encouraging natural childbirth, and the seeds disrupt the process of implanting a fertilized egg.

Some people experience mild side effects such as constipation for a few days when using this herb, in addition, it may not be suitable for those with a history of kidney stones or gallstones.




Take a spoonful of wild carrot seeds within eight hours of exposure to sperm and continue taking it once daily for another seven days, chewing the seeds gives maximum effectiveness. Wild carrot seeds can also be taken as a tea daily.


Note: Avoid using wild carrot if breastfeeding, and avoid mixing this herb with some plants that have the same effect as poison hemlock and water hemlock.


2. Blue Cohosh Root:

Blue cohosh root is used as an effective pregnancy control, as it contains two substances, one that mimics the hormone oxytocin, and the other saponin. .




Add one teaspoon of blue cohosh root to a quarter cup of boiling water. Boil it for five minutes. Sip slowly over three times a day (or no more than 300-400 mg per day) until your period or menstruation begins.


Note: Blue cohosh root has some side effects, so it is best to use this herb under the guidance of an herbalist.


3. Mint:

Mint is a plant that was used in birth control by the Greeks and Romans. This herb acts as an emmenagogue to promote menstrual flow and as an early contraceptive.

According to the Biophysical Orgone Research Laboratory, peppermint is prescribed in combination with other pregnancy termination herbs. Both the fresh and dried leaves of this herb can be used for birth control.



Boil a cup of distilled water. Remove from the heat and add a teaspoon of dried mint to the boiling water and leave it on the fire for 10 to 15 minutes. Strain and add a little honey if desired. Drink peppermint tea immediately after unprotected sex and before the egg implantation occurs. fertilized.


Note: Using peppermint for natural birth control should be taken with caution because it can cause damage to the liver, kidneys, nervous system, and a host of other problems.

Avoid drinking more than three cups of peppermint tea during a six-day period.

Avoid drinking this tea if your period is more than 10 days late.


4. Neem:

Neem, also called Indian lilac, is a popular herb widely used for birth control for both women and men as a natural contraceptive. Neem oil is extracted from neem leaves and is highly effective.


Neem is effective in killing sperm, and for women, a single injection of a tiny amount of neem oil into the uterine horns prevents fertility for a year without causing changes in the menstrual cycle or ovarian function.

Researchers have found that neem oil can slow down the movement of sperm and prevent their ability to reach fertilization of an egg. In fact, neem oil can kill sperm in the vaginal area in just 30 seconds.


For men, taking neem leaf tablets for one month results in a reversal of male fertility, and daily oral doses of neem seed oil can also be taken in the form of gelatin capsules available in pharmacies, and the use of neem is a method of contraception that does not affect sperm production or desire nationality.


Along with contraception, neem works to prevent sexually transmitted infections through the vagina due to its antiviral properties and stimulating the immune system.

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