Salt mask for glowing and smooth skin

Dear , do you want to have glowing, fresh and smooth skin like children’s skin? Today, in the beauty magazine, we present to you how to make a salt mask to get what you dream of…


the components :


3 tablespoons of fine salt


A medium white towel


Rose water


warm water





How to prepare:


Wet the towel with water and squeeze it well, then spread the salt on the surface of the towel evenly, then gently rub the face with it in a T-shape


That is, the forehead, nose and chin area, then rinse the face with lukewarm water mixed with rose water


The same recipe can be done for the body to remove the roughness and darkening of the skin, provided that it is replaced with coarse fine salt and rubbed with it in the elbows, shoulders, knees and heels.

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