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Remove dark spots from the face in just two days - Care Beauty

Remove dark spots from the face in just two days

Freckles are cute, but when it comes to unwanted dark spots on the face, they are annoying. Before talking about treatment methods, you must first understand the root cause of the problem.

You may have heard of a natural pigment called melanin found in your skin. Melanin is responsible for the color of skin, eyes, and even hair, and it also protects your skin from the harmful effects of the sun. When your skin is exposed to sunlight, melanocytes — or cells that produce melanin — overproduce melanin, resulting in dark spots. These are often referred to as hyperpigmentation.


There are other reasons for dark spots to appear on the face as well; The spots on the face may be due to acne, and could be due to pigmentation, sun damage – also called freckles – sun spots, or melasma, which is hyperpigmentation that occurs in most eastern skin.


While there are many ways to get rid of these dark spots, from using sunscreen to using topical retinoids that can help lighten them. Using heavy chemicals on the skin, especially sensitive skin, often does more harm than good. But don’t worry, because there are great natural solutions out there.


Natural mixtures that hide dark spots:


Milk and yogurt have been shown to effectively treat skin discoloration, all thanks to lactic acid.


How to use milk to treat dark spots :


Step 1: Soak a cotton ball in milk.

Step 2: Rub it on the spots 3-4 times a day, and repeat until you see results!


Many recommend using frozen milk for better results


See also:   Coffee spoon recipe for teeth whitening and cleaning


2. Papaya


Papayas contain fruit acids known as alpha hydroxy acids which are chemical exfoliators that remove dull and dead skin cells and revitalize healthy skin cells.

To make your own papaya scrub at home and remove stains, here’s what you can do:


How to use papaya to treat dark spots :




Step 1: Mash the ripe papaya in a bowl, and apply as a mask for 20 minutes.

Step 2: When removing the mask, use gentle circular motions to exfoliate the top layer of dead skin cells.


3. Turmeric powder


The multifaceted benefits of turmeric extend to inhibiting the production of melanin in the skin, which we mentioned earlier, is responsible for hyperpigmentation.


How to use turmeric to treat dark spots :


Step 1: Mix 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder with 1-2 teaspoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of coconut oil until it forms a paste that is not too thick or too liquid.

Step 2: Leave it on your face for 20 minutes, then rinse it off with water.

Bonus tip: It may take a few rinses to completely remove the residue from the face.


4. Red onion


Red onion is a modern ingredient that has been used in skin care products, such as skin-lightening creams and patches. Dried red onion peel is an effective stain removal ingredient.


How to use red onion to treat dark spots

Step 1: Rub an onion on the affected areas 2-3 times a day.

Step 2: If the smell bothers you, wash your face afterwards. You will see results within two days.