Psychological anxiety and depression

Psychological anxiety and depression





Psychological anxiety: Although many people have experienced symptoms of tension and anxiety during increased psychological pressures, such as (exams / family problems), it is considered a disease that requires the intervention of a psychiatrist if it continues for several months and affects a person’s life and his relationship with others. People differ greatly from In terms of their genetic predisposition to psychological anxiety, even without any social or practical causes.

What is psychological anxiety?


Psychological anxiety includes fear of the unknown with several physical symptoms, including a feeling of tightness in the muscles accompanied by palpitations in the heart, increased sweating in the hands, and shortness of breath (a feeling of heaviness in the chest). Although anxiety, if present in a small degree, motivates the person to perform his role in life (for example The student who studies before the exam for fear of failing) However, if it exceeds the normal limit, it affects sleep and mood and leads to quick anger.

Psychological anxiety includes the following conditions:


social phobia ) ​​.


General negative anxiety.


Obsessive-compulsive disorder.


Panic attacks or terror.


Post-traumatic stress anxiety.


Phobia: It is the most common psychological disease among people, and its definition is the fear of a specific thing, including several types, such as: phobia of the sight of blood, phobia of needles, phobia of high places, phobia of flying, and the like, in addition to the most severe impact on human life, which is what is known as social phobia. It is a person’s fear of gatherings and gatherings in which there are strange people because he feels afraid that something will happen that will cause him embarrassment and failure, so he begins to avoid attending any social events.



General psychological anxiety: The patient in this condition is afraid that something will happen and he does not know what it is, so he is always nervous in a way that includes all aspects of life and thinks a lot about every little thing and every big thing that happens during the day. The person among them remembers that he used to worry since his childhood and that he suffers from insomnia when any change occurs. In his life or system, even if it is simple. These patients are more susceptible than others to developing irritable bowel syndrome (symptoms in the nervous system without organic causes).




Obsessive-compulsive disorder: This means that a certain idea is repeated in a person’s mind despite his attempt to expel it despite his complete conviction of the absurdity of that idea, and it causes him stress, which goes away if he responds to that idea. An example of this is a person who, after performing ablution, has the idea that he is impure, and although he is completely certain of his ablution, he cannot expel that thought and remove the anxiety resulting from it unless he performs ablution again and it comes back and he repeats the ablution. Between the return of the idea and the person’s response, it indicates that it is constantly taking up all of his time and beginning to affect his family and work obligations.



Panic attacks or terror attacks: an episode of intense fear accompanied by physical symptoms

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