Pollen is an important food substance for humans

This strange substance is the dust of plants during the period of pollination, and the bee carries this dust and helps in pollinating the rest of the plants in a clean and pure manner.


This process of pollination and combining characteristics between homogeneous plants helps in the emergence of new varieties of fruits, and it also helps in the emergence of seeds that can be carried to other farms, even if they are far away.


The bees turn this dust into grains through secretions that they produce, and the result is grains that are important for the hive and for humans.


Pollen is an important food substance for humans because of the distinct substances it contains:


We find among these substances acetylbolene, which restores activity to the body through nervous communication, and its effects on the body open all channels of communication between all organs, thus improving nutrition and improving the elimination of toxins, as a result of which the organ is stimulated after inactivity.


Rutin is a substance that rebuilds the blood channel that helps expel sediments and accumulations. This is useful in relieving diabetes patients and strengthening the heart, arteries, kidneys, and brain.


It also helps develop intelligence, strengthen the body, treat anemia, control hormonal activity and fertility, and expel diseases such as cancers, infections, and osteoporosis, God willing.


This substance is also useful in treating nervous tension, nervous breakdown, and anxiety, and we find it essential in Alzheimer’s disease, euphoria, and sclerosis (neural plaques).


With regard to diseases of the digestive system, it is useful in treating stomach ulcers with its ability to heal wounds and infections, as well as treating all types of hemorrhoids, wounds, and boils in the exit.


We also find among the benefits that it is an essential food for patients with diabetes, kidney failure, heart and arterial diseases, and hepatitis, while in the world of cosmetics, it is useful in hair loss, healing wounds, clearing the skin from spots and black dots, controlling wrinkles, and strengthening the skin.


Pollen components:


1- Proteins are approximately 35 percent combined with amino acids.


2 – Approximately 34 percent sugars.


3 – Fat 5 percent.


4 – Water is approximately 11 percent for natural fresh grains, and approximately 5 percent for dried grains. In order to reach the drying stage, special heat treatment methods are required so that the grains do not lose their properties and benefits.


5 – Ash 6 percent.


6 – Vitamins and other compounds 9 percent, such as minerals (calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, magnesium, sulfur), enzymes (catalase, lipase, invertase, pepsin, amylase) and pigments (carotene, xanthophyll)



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