Find out how to prepare garlic and lemon and its benefits

  You’ve probably had garlic and lemon tea once while you were sick with a cold or flu, or at least you must have heard about its excellent properties, right? Although the strong taste of garlic is not very pleasant when consumed, garlic and lemon tea can bring important benefits for the immune system, as …


Watermelon and pineapple juice refreshing benefits and recipes

  The benefits of watermelon are related to weight loss, and also because of its diuretic and cleansing effect on the kidneys, and it helps in strengthening the body’s defenses, as it is an excellent source of vitamin C. The fruit also helps protect the skin from the sun through the presence of lycopene and …


Macadamia oil benefits for hair, skin and slimming

  Macadamia is one of the most delicious and nutritious nuts we can eat, and although unknown, the benefits of macadamia oil are numerous for our health and beauty.  The benefits of Macadamia Oil range from improving heart health, to decreasing triglyceride levels, increasing energy, improving digestion, and preventing chronic diseases.  Macadamia is grown in …