
Orange diet to lose weight and boost body immunity

Orange diet to lose weight and boost body immunity

Orange  is one of the fruits rich in essential nutrients to supply the body with energy, and is useful in losing weight by burning fat in the body, reducing hunger, and containing high levels of fiber, and it is low in calories, so many resort to its adoption to relieve of weight. Discover the benefits of the orange diet in the following:

Orange juice contains vitaminc c , which is one of the most nutrients available in oranges. It protects cells and tissues, helps the body repair damaged tissues, improves iron absorption, which contributes to weight loss, and enhances the body’s immune system.
Also, oranges are one of the most consumed fruits all over the world, especially during the winter season. This orange contains 65 calories per serving, which helps to lose weight effectively.

Try the orange diet


orange diet benefits

Orange contains many nutrients that are beneficial for the health of the body and weight loss, especially for women. Because it contains many elements that lead to weight loss, it is:

– source of carbohydrates

Oranges contain a percentage of carbohydrates that provide the body with useful sugars, rather than sources of sugars that increase weight.
One medium orange contains approximately 16.2 grams of carbohydrates.

– Low in calories

Orange is distinguished from other fruits in that it contains a small number of calories; A medium-sized orange contains about 65 calories, while other types of fruits contain higher calories, such as: mango, avocado…

– Rich in vitamins and minerals

Oranges contain a high percentage of vitamin C, which contributes to many things in the body that help in dieting, such as:
• Repairing damaged tissues and helping to regenerate them.
• Improving the body’s ability to absorb iron.
• Maintaining a strong immune system.
• Reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
• Prevention of obesity through the ability of vitamin C to dissolve in water.
• Protecting cells and tissues from increasing levels of antioxidants in the body.
It also contains a group of other vitamins, such as: thiamine, vitamin A, and folic acid. Orange is also characterized by containing a number of important minerals in the vital functions of the body, and among these minerals we mention potassium; One serving of orange contains 237 milligrams of potassium. And potassium works on the following:
• Regulating the pH of the body.
• Balance the proportion of water.
• Balance the heartbeat.
It contains other minerals, such as: sodium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous.

– Contains a low percentage of fat

The effectiveness of oranges for the diet lies in the fact that it contains a very low percentage of fat, approximately 0.3 grams of fat for a medium orange, and it is free of cholesterol.
Fat and cholesterol are among the most important nutrients that contribute to weight gain.

Contains fiber and proteins

Fiber and protein are among the most important nutrients that contribute to weight loss. As it promotes the feeling of satiety and fullness of the stomach, and oranges are rich in it. Oranges also contain a high percentage of water, which works alongside both fiber and protein to promote satiety when eating oranges in between meals.

– Anti-oxidant

The antioxidants in oranges protect the cells of the body from damage, and keep the body healthy.

Orange diet promises weight loss

orange diet

Nutrition experts recommend the application of the orange diet for only two days a week to avoid any side effects, according to the “Healthline” website, which is as follows:

Orange diet: day one

2 cups of fresh, unsweetened orange juice.
A slice of brown bread.
Boiled egg.

A glass of orange juice as an additional snack (snack).

an orange.
A slice of brown bread.
A little bit of cottage cheese.

a glass of fresh, unsweetened orange juice.
Slice of grilled chicken breast.
Quarter of a loaf of brown bread.
An orange before bed.

Orange diet: the second day

a glass of orange juice.
A box of fat-free yogurt.

A cup of unsweetened orange juice as an additional snack (snack).

an orange.
Boiled egg.
A quarter of a loaf of brown bread.

An additional light meal (snack) can be eaten with an orange.

a can of tuna.
plate of power.
A glass of unsweetened orange juice before bed.

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