Natural mixtures to reduce excessive hair growth
Excess hair is a problem that many girls face, and there are those whose skin is sensitive to chemicals, which they cannot use the regular cream to remove. Also, natural mixtures are healthier and more beneficial for the skin, so we offer to educate yourself a group of natural mixtures to remove excess hair:
1. Using the papaya fruit for hair removal: The papaya fruit contains an enzyme that can destroy the hair roots and facilitate its removal, as well as reduce its growth. The beautiful thing is that it is perfectly suitable for sensitive skin. Here we will mention two methods or two combinations:
The first method within the natural mixtures to reduce hair growth:
the ingredients:
1-2 tablespoons of raw papaya
½ turmeric powder
The method of work:
** Papaya paste is made by boiling and crushing the papaya fruit
** Mix turmeric powder with papaya paste
** Massage the area you want with the mixture and leave it for 15 minutes
** Wash it with warm water
** Repeat the above once or twice every week
Second method:
the ingredients:
1 tablespoon of papaya paste
¼ spoon turmeric
¼ spoon of flour
4 tablespoons of aloe vera gel
2 tablespoons of mustard oil
The method of work:
** All ingredients are mixed well
** Apply this mixture on the area you want
** Leave the mixture from 15 to 20 minutes until it dries on the surface of the skin
** Use a piece of cloth and remove the mixture in the opposite direction of hair growth
** You will notice that the hair has been removed with the mixture
** Use olive oil to moisturize the skin after removing the mixture
** Repeat the above once every 3 months at least
2. Using turmeric for hair removal:
Turmeric has been used in India since ancient times for the manufacture of skin purification products. In addition to that, it contains anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory compounds. It contains substances that prevent hair growth. Surprisingly, it is used in chemical preparations used in hair removal.
the ingredients:
1-2 spoons of turmeric
Water or milk enough to form a paste
The method of work:
** Mix turmeric with water or milk to form a sticky paste that will stick to your face
** Leave the paste on the area you want for 15 to 20 minutes
**Use warm water to remove it
This mixture is used to remove fine hair only
. Chickpea flour mask for hair removal:
the ingredients:
½ cup chickpea flour
½ cup of milk
1 tablespoon of turmeric
1 spoon of cream
The method of work:
** Mix the ingredients together well to form a cohesive dough
** Apply the paste to the area you want and make sure that all hair is completely covered
** Leave the mixture for 30 minutes, after which it must be removed in the opposite direction of hair growth
** Wash this area with warm water
4. Lemon and sugar mixture is among the natural mixtures to reduce excessive hair growth:
the ingredients:
two tablespoons of sugar
Two tablespoons of lemon juice
10 spoons of water
The method of work:
** Mix the above ingredients together
** Put the mixture on the area you want in the direction of hair growth
** Leave the mixture for 10 minutes
** Wash the skin with warm water and scrub
** Repeat the above two or three times a week and you will notice a lack of hair growth
5. A mixture of sugar, lemon and honey to remove excess hair from the feet and arms:
the ingredients:
1 tablespoon of sugar
1 tablespoon of honey
1 tablespoon of lemon
1-2 tablespoons of flour
heat resistant utensil
The method of work:
** Put honey on lemon juice sweetened with sugar
** Heat the mixture to get a smooth paste. If you use the microwave for heating, you should set the timer to 3 minutes
** If the dough is firm, you can put some water
** Leave the mixture to cool but it should still be warm
** Put the flour on the area you want
** Put the previous paste on the area where you put the flour in the direction of hair growth
** Leave the mixture for a while, then use a clean piece of cloth to press the hair removal area and pull it in the opposite direction of hair growth.
6. Egg mask to remove excess facial hair:
the ingredients:
one egg white
1 spoon of sugar
1 tablespoon cornmeal
The method of work:
** Mix eggs, flour and sugar
** Mix the ingredients to make a smooth paste
** Apply the paste on the face and leave it to dry
** Remove the dough with a hard flat object
7. Oatmeal and Banana Mix for Hair Removal:
If you do not suffer from dry skin problem, bananas are the best solution for removing excess hair. Bananas will leave your skin soft, but bananas alone are not enough to remove excess hair.
the ingredients:
one banana
1-2 tablespoons of oats
The method of work:
** Crush the banana
** Add oats
** Apply the paste to the area you want in circular motions
** Leave the mixture for 15 minutes
** Wash it with warm water
** Repeat the above twice a week
8. Alum and rose water to remove excess hair:
This recipe has been used since ancient times in India and Pakistan to solve the problem of excessive hair. Alum exists in the form of stones or powder, and to use this recipe, it must be powdered
the ingredients:
½ spoon of alum powder
2-3 tablespoons of rose water liquid
cotton ball
olive oil
The method of work:
** Add alum powder to rose water
** Dissolve the alum powder in the rose water as well as possible
** Moisten a cotton ball in the mixture
** Put the cotton ball on the area you want and whenever the mixture dries on the area where it was applied, repeat it again
** Repeat the above for 50-60 minutes, and if you have sensitive skin, do not leave it for more than 15 minutes
** Put olive oil on this area as a kind of moisturizing and then wash it with warm water
** Repeat the above 2-4 times a week
Basil and onion mixture to remove:
the ingredients:
10-12 sheets of rahan
Two onions
The method of work:
**Remove the outer skin of the onion
** Grind basil leaves with onions to get a paste
** Put the paste on the area you want for 15-20 minutes
** Then wash it with rubbing with warm water
** Repeat 3-4 times a week for a month
10. Mint to Reduce Excess Hair Growth:
When boiling a quantity of mint with water and placing it on the area of excess hair, this reduces hair growth and increases the periods of mixture formation.