Natural mixtures of oatmeal for the beauty of your skin

Oatmeal is one of the natural products that take care of your beauty, as it has many health benefits, but it is also important and useful for the beauty of your skin and taking care of your beauty. Today I present to you natural mixtures of oats that take care of your beauty. Get to know them with us …


Today I offer you mixtures of oatmeal for skin care, including cleaning, exfoliating and moisturizing, as it is a complete and integrated skin care, get to know it with us …


Oatmeal to cleanse the skin:


the components :





A spoonful of oatmeal.


Two tablespoons of yogurt.


How to prepare :


Mix the ingredients well, then apply the mixture to your skin in the morning, leave it for 15 minutes, then wash your face with lukewarm water. This mask helps you clean the skin and remove excess oils from the skin. It also contains anti-inflammatory substances, which helps you to get fresh and fat-free skin.


Oatmeal for exfoliating and moisturizing the skin:


the components :


A spoonful of oatmeal.


A spoonful of lemon juice.


Two tablespoons of yogurt.


How to prepare :


Rub your face with this mixture in a circular motion for 5 minutes, then leave it on your face for 10 minutes. This mask is a mask for exfoliating the skin in a natural way, as it helps you remove dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. It also helps moisturize the skin, as oats are rich in fats that help you To moisturize the skin and treat infections and sunburns and get rid of acne and its effects.

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