Natural masks to enhance collagen and remove skin wrinkles

Natural masks to enhance collagen and remove skin wrinkles: Collagen is a substance secreted by the body to maintain the elasticity of the skin and renew its cells, and thus it preserves the youth of the skin and prevents the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the face, but this substance begins to gradually decrease with age while it can be strengthened by applying natural masks that enhance the activity of Collagen to remove facial wrinkles.


4 natural masks to boost collagen and remove skin wrinkles


In our article today on my website, we will learn about 4 natural masks to boost collagen and remove skin wrinkles:


Flaxseed mask


The flaxseed mask activates collagen in the skin, tightens sagging and erases fine wrinkles, making your skin look younger and fresher. The way to prepare a flaxseed mask is to boil about two tablespoons of flaxseeds in a large cup of water until the mixture turns into a “gelatinous” form. “sticky. Strain the mixture and allow it to cool, then fill it in a glass bottle for daily use for about a week and store it in the refrigerator. Spread the sticky mixture on the face and leave it for 20 minutes until it cools down. Dry and then remove with cold water, repeat the mask daily.


Tomato mask


Tomatoes boost collagen in your skin and give it elasticity, as it is rich in vitamin C, which gives skin freshness and treats wrinkles. Mash the tomatoes and mix them with half a spoonful of honey. Spread the mask on your skin for 10 minutes, then remove it with cool water and touch the result yourself. Repeat this recipe twice a week.


Avocado and honey mask


Avocado helps stimulate collagen production for the skin and provides the skin with healthy fats that penetrate into wrinkles and work to reduce them and give the skin a firm and youthful appearance, while honey nourishes the skin and tightens sagging in it. Mash half an avocado with half a spoonful of honey until you get a homogeneous texture. Spread the mixture on the face and leave it for 15 minutes without moving the features of your face, then remove it with lukewarm water and then cold water to close the pores.


See also: Natural recipes for skin lightening


Egg white and aloe vera mask


Aloe vera is now used in many aesthetic products to treat skin wrinkles and signs of aging because it contains nutrients for the skin and stimulates collagen production, while egg white tightens and softens the skin. Whisk one egg white with a tablespoon of aloe vera gel until you get a creamy texture. Spread a thin layer of the mixture on the facial skin, and leave it to dry completely without any movement of the facial features, then rinse the skin with lukewarm water, then with cold water.

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