
Modus operandi of hummus in the Indian way

Modus operandi of hummus in the Indian way

Chickpeas salad is one of the most important salads and appetizers on your table, and it awakens your appetite! Try it today, Indian-style hummus, and share your experiences with us!


Modus operandi of chickpeas in the Indian way ingredients


Soaked plain chickpeas

an onion

Two cloves of garlic

chopped ginger

Two tablespoons of oil

A pinch of spices

A quarter of a tablespoon of cumin

A quarter of a tablespoon of cloves

A quarter of a tablespoon of nutmeg

Cool green pepper


Chopped green coriander

Hot green pepper



How to prepare


Put the onions in the oil on the fire, then add the garlic cloves and ginger.


Mix the ingredients well, then add the cold and hot peppers, coriander and tomatoes.


Mix the ingredients, then put the hummus on it and mix.


Add the boiled chickpea water, about one cup, then let the ingredients simmer for half an hour. If more water is needed, add a little more, then add the cumin, allspice, nutmeg, and salt.


Serve the chickpeas in a tahini serving dish and garnish with green coriander

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