There are 8 types of headache, how do you differentiate between them?

Headache is a health problem, and it can result from certain diseases such as stress, and in this article we will say, there are 8 types of headaches, so how do you differentiate between them?


There are 8 types of headache, how do you differentiate between them?


Tension headache:


Tension headache is the most common type.


It usually makes you feel pain or pressure that begins on both sides of the head and extends to the back of the head, neck, and jaw.







It is severe pain on one side of the head and may be accompanied by dizziness or vomiting.


This type causes sensitivity to sounds and light.


Cluster headache:


A very painful headache that comes on one side of the head and is accompanied by nasal congestion, pain and tears in the eyes.


Sinus headache:


It is pain in the front of the head, face, and eyes, and it is caused by sinusitis.


Caffeine headache:


If you are used to drinking coffee daily at a specific time, here you may suffer from a caffeine withdrawal headache and you will be more likely to develop this type if you do not drink it.


Hormonal headaches:


Most women suffer from this type of headache associated with a change in the level of hormones.


Toothache headache:


Pain caused by a toothache.


Recurring headache:

Excessive use of certain medications or nasal decongestants can lead to a stuffy nose and a rebound headache that goes away and then comes back.

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