Mayonnaise and sesame oil for your hair care

Sesame oil

Dyed hair needs more care than other types of hair, because it is exposed to chemicals that lose its luster and softness, becoming more prone to breakage, dehydration and more sensitive to heat, such as sun rays or blow-dry.

Therefore, we present to you how to make a mask for dyed hair from natural materials, according to the “care beauty” website.
You need 1 tablespoon of hair conditioner, 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise, 2 teaspoons of olive oil and sesame oil.

Sesame oil

Mix all the ingredients to get a cohesive paste, then put it on your hair, wrap it in a hot towel for two hours, then wash it well, and do not forget to repeat this mask twice a week, to get dyed and vibrant hair at the same time.


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