Mask Recipe Against Cracked Heels

Mask Recipe Against Cracked Heels



1 Lemon

1 Tablespoon of Olive Oil

1 Tablespoon of Almond Oil

Stretch film

Preparation and application:

Cut the lemon in half. Half of the lemon will be used in the mask. You can put the other half on the shelf.

Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a small bowl.

Add the other ingredients to the lemon and mix with a wooden spoon.

Massage the mixture we have prepared on your heels and apply it thoroughly.

Wrap the area of ​​the heels with stretch film.

Wear socks on your feet.


Apply this mask, which is good for heel cracks and softens the callused area, regularly 2 times a week.

Apply the mask before going to bed at night. Wait until the morning. Remove the cling film when you get up in the morning. You can immediately notice the softening in your heels.

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