Make your own cocoa butter cream to moisturize and soften the body

The skin is affected by different weather factors, especially between the changing seasons of the year, and in particular
Between the summer and winter seasons, when the skin begins to shrink and dry as a result of the cold
Weather and as a result of the body’s lack of fluids, especially for those who are ignorant of the benefits of water
For the body and they are not interested in drinking it daily. In this article, I present to you, dear, a recipe


With simple, natural ingredients available in your home, you can make this amazing Cocoa Butter Cream
To moisturize your skin safely and effectively.
the components:
A cup of cocoa butter.
1/4 cup of rose essential oil.
1/2 cup of sweet almond oil.
A few grams of ammonia spirit.
2 vitamin E capsules.


Bring a suitable frying pan and melt the cocoa butter in it over a low heat.
Add vitamin E, ammonia and oils, then stir well.
– Remove the pan from the heat and allow the mixture to cool.
Beat the mixture well with the hand mixer until the mixture turns into a light cream.
Keep the mixture in a sterile and clean package.
– This cream is used safely to moisturize the body naturally.