Lupine, honey and rose water to lighten facial skin in two weeks

Facial skin is quickly affected by external weather factors, especially between changing seasons

Sunnah, then the skin begins to appear grains and pimples on it, or change its color

And its continuity as a result of exposure to harmful sunlight without the use of protection

Summer is over and winter is approaching, I present to you the best natural mixtures




Absolutely proven effective in skin lightening, a lupine ingredient, to get rid of

From the tan of your skin acquired during the summer and going out to the sea

Lupine is in the making of many naturally occurring cosmetics, it is no

Not only does it lighten the skin, but it also helps to reduce excessive hair growth

Cleansing and freshness of the skin. So follow us, madam, to get to know these mixtures.


Lupine and milk mixture:


the components:


Crushed thermos cup.


Half a cup of milk.


Rose water spoon.





How to prepare:


Mix the thermos, milk and rose water.


Store the mixture in a bottle with a tight-fitting cap.


Apply this mixture to your facial skin twice a week.


Leave the mixture on the face for a quarter of an hour, then rinse it off with lukewarm water.


Lupine and honey mixture:


the components:


A teaspoon of bee honey.


A teaspoon of coarse salt.


A teaspoon of ground lupine.


One teaspoon lemon juice.


How to prepare:


Mix the ingredients together in a suitable bowl, and rub the dark areas of the body with this mixture gently and in the form of gentle circular motions.


Leave the mixture on the dark areas for a quarter of an hour, then wash it off with lukewarm water.


Repeat this mixture 3 times a week.

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