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Lip color and diseases: connotations and important information - Care Beauty

Lip color and diseases: connotations and important information

There is a great connection between the color of the lips and diseases, as changes in them indicate the presence of a specific health symptom, which may be serious or not, but in both cases, a health doctor must be consulted in order to avoid the worsening and development of the condition and the appearance of other painful symptoms, such as the mouth ulcers that we told you about treating.


Lip color reflects the overall health of the body and can be an indicator of some health problems. In this article, we will talk about natural lip colors, what they mean, how to maintain them, and the possible reasons for each unusual color.


Dull lips


Iron deficiency anemia may cause paleness of the face and lips, as the color of the lips changes to pale white. It may also indicate leukemia, which is one of the most dangerous types of cancer. To treat this problem, you can follow a balanced diet that contains many elements necessary for the body and take care of oral and dental hygiene.


Red or blue lips


Blue lips may be a result of health problems such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), pneumothorax, and seizures. Treatment for this depends on the correct diagnosis and may include adjusting the dosage of blood pressure medications, beta blockers, or blood thinners, and lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking and starting an exercise regimen that improves respiratory and vascular health.


Natural lip colors and how to maintain them


To maintain the natural color of the lips and make them attractive, the following basic rules can be followed:


Stay away from dark drinks:

Avoid drinking tea, coffee, and other dark liquids that may cause lip discolouration.

Lip exfoliation: Use a lip scrub to remove dead skin and get soft lips.

Maintain hydration: Drink at least two liters of water daily to keep toxins away and make the skin softer. And the lips are more fresh.

Remove lipstick correctly: Make sure to remove all traces of makeup and lipstick before going to sleep.

Sunscreen: Use sunscreen to protect the skin from the hot sun and wear sunglasses for the eyes.