Lip augmentation recipe

Lip augmentation recipe


the ingredients:


♥ 10 berries of cranberries

♥ 1 tablespoon of almond oil

♥ A spoonful of honey

♥ 1 hung of pure Vaseline.




♥ Put Vaseline in a metal bowl on a hot water bath, then add honey and almond oil to it, stirring the mixture until it is homogeneous.


♥ Cut the berries into small pieces as much as possible, then start adding it to the mixture, stirring until it dissolves in the mixture and is homogeneous.


♥ Leave the mixture a little on the fire, then cool it a little, then put it in an empty, clean cream box you have, preferably metal.


♥ Use the cream daily on your lips to get rid of dryness and cracks, as it is an effective moisturizer for the lips and helps to enlarge them naturally.

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