Lifestyle Tips To Stay Healthy During The Pandemic


Covid 19 has changed many of our daily lives routine in a way no one anticipated.Many of us are at home more to minimize exposure.Isolation and being at home can cause many temptation to lots of snacks,that are high in sodium,junk food as well that are low in quality.This is a challenge for many in thesr stressful times of social distancing.

What has been changed during the pandemic?

A day live walking from your car at your workplaceparking lot twice a day,shopping for groceries is done online for most,outing with friends and family has also been chang,visiting malls to eat out or watch movies in some countries has been shut down.With this new lifestyle  there is potential for normalization of a more sedentary lifestyle one has to think of ways to do activities at home like watching tv,reading for a long period of time with your cup of coffee or tea,sitting at your computer doing work activities or other projects online,diy activities for family especially couple who has children to keep children active and entertained and not always infront of the television we must always stay active.

Coping with stress during the covid 19 pandemic!

1-It is normal to feel stressed,confused,scared,or angry during crisis.

2-If you must stay home maintain a healthy diet including food that has protein,fibre,vitamin c,and d,sleep often,regularly exercise and socialize with friends and family via zoom or email,WhatsApp or any social media platforms.

3-Dont use smoking,alcohol or any other drugs to deal with your emotions.If you feel over whelmed talk to a health provider or counselor.Have a plan where to go too and seek professional help.

4-Gets facts,gather information from a reliable internet website that will help you determine your risk so you can take reasonable precautions.

5-Limit worrying and agitation by watching news or listening to news

6-Draw skills plan that you have used in the padt that were able to help you manage difficult timed.

Home care for people with suspected or confirmed with covid 19 symtoms!

1-Ensure that the ill person rests well,drinks alot of fluids and eat plenty of nutritious foods.

2-Always wear a medical mask always or a face covering that closes the nose and mouth.

3-Frequently wash hands with soap and water note your soap doesn’t have to be necessary expensive.

4-Use dedicated cups,dishes,eating utensils,towels etc for the ill person separate.

5-Frequently wash touched surfaces by an ill person and disinfect daily.

6-Call your health care provider or an emergency number if a ill person becomes worse sick or experience difficult im breathing

Is there a cure for the disease coronavirus?

There is no cure for the new coronavirus disease,scientists are working towards a experiment in a new drug in the labs and they are recruiting participants to work towards this vaccine.

Stay safe

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