Away from the eczema of the hands and the face, we will highlight the eczema of the hair! Yes, eczema may affect the scalp as well, and its symptoms warn you of it, so you should pay attention to these indications in order to treat it as soon as possible. What is hair eczema? What are its causes? What are its symptoms? And other questions that may come to your mind, you will find answers in this article, which will help you determine whether you suffer from eczema of the scalp.
All you need to know about eczema hair
1- What is hair eczema?
Hair eczema is an inflammatory skin disease that affects the scalp as a result of the increased secretion of sebum on the surface of the skin through the sebaceous glands hidden within the dermis, which is one of the layers of the skin, which creates an environment that allows the excess growth of yeast and fungi. .
2- Causes of hair eczema
There are some causes and triggers that lead to hair eczema, which are:
- Genetic factors
- changes in hormones
- The immune system can overreact to the yeast Malassezia fungus that grows on the skin
- Using hair care products that contain chemicals that harm the scalp and expose it to irritation
- Experiencing stress
- heavy sweating
3- Symptoms of hair eczema
If one of these symptoms appears, this means that you may have eczema hair:
- Scalp redness and irritation
- scaly patches
- Constant and severe itching
- Very oily scalp
- Dandruff
4- You may be more likely to develop eczema if you…
- psoriasis
- You have a health condition that affects your immune system
- You are taking certain medicines that contain interferon, lithium or psoralen.
5- Ways to treat hair eczema
In fact, there is no treatment that helps to get rid of hair eczema quickly or permanently, there are some cases that suffer from this dermatitis for several years. But these steps, which we will mention below, will reduce the severity of hair eczema and its irritation.
Clean the scalp regularly
It is very necessary to clean the scalp well and regularly, especially as it is exposed to a lot of dirt and deposits left by shampoo, conditioner, oils and hair styling products, which may clog the pores of the scalp, and cause hair loss, dandruff and dryness.
Use the right hair care products
In order to relieve and treat hair eczema, be sure to choose hair care products, especially shampoo and conditioner, that contain zinc pyrithione or salicylic acid, selenium sulfide, ketoconazole or coal tar. These ingredients do not irritate the scalp, but, on the contrary, soothe hair eczema.
Resorting to soothing creams
Your dermatologist may prescribe some soothing creams such as a corticosteroid cream, or use any other type of topical steroid.
Get away from stress
Since severe stress and constant anxiety are the causes of hair eczema, try as much as possible to stay away from everything that bothers you. Resort to some ways to help you get rid of these negative feelings, such as exercising, meditating listening to music and others.