Lemon Tea and its benefits


Tea is a widely accepted drink in India. Most of the people started their morning by tea. But do you know by little changes in tea we can make healthy and tasty tea? Let’s see the recipe first.

Recipe of Lemon Tea


– Tea 1/2 tbsp

– Sugar 2 tbsp

– Water 2 cups

– Lemon juice 1 tbsp

Recipe :

Take 2 cups of water and add 1/2 tbsp of tea and 2 tbsp of sugar and then boil it for 2 minutes on the stove. Now turn off the stove and add lemon juice into it. Your lemon tea is ready!!!


Benefits of Lemon Tea

  • Lemon tea is a healthy drink and its benefits are as below:
  • It gives protection against cancer. Lemon tea contains polyphenols and vitamin C which prevent the production of cancer cells. 
  • Lemon has a detoxifying capacity. It removes the toxic substances from the body and makes the body detoxic. 
  • Everyone knows that lemon is rich in citric acid. This citric acid makes the digestive system stronger. So drinking lemon tea will help you to keep your digestive tract healthy. 
  • Vitamin C is responsible to increase immunity. As lemon tea is rich in vitamin C it also helping in increasing immunity. Lemon tea helps in the prevention of common cold as well as flu. 
  • Flavonoids present in lemon tea will prevent the clot formation inside the artery so ultimately it also helps in the prevention of heart attack. 
  • It is also helpful to keep you happy. It relieves stress.
  • It is also helpful in reducing weight.
  • It has many more benefits so start drinking lemon tea instead of milk tea

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