Learn about the importance of early detection of breast cancer

There are different approaches that can be applied to treatment depending on the stage of the cancer. Drugs, radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery are some of the ways to make your life easier if you’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer. How is breast cancer detected?


According to the “express” website, when a woman has symptoms such as unusual nipple discharge, lumps in her breasts, and painful skin irritation, the doctor will investigate further to see if it is breast cancer.


How do doctors reach the diagnosis?


Doctors use the triple assessment method to evaluate the patient and reach the correct diagnosis.


The first method of evaluation is a clinical breast exam by a surgeon. The surgeon will look for any skin abnormalities or lumps in the breasts or armpits.


The second method of evaluation is to take a biopsy of the lump in the breast, to check whether it is cancer or not, if cancer is found, it is further investigated by a breast cancer commission investigation procedure.


The third mode of evaluation is known as the imaging modality. If the patient is under the age of 40, then ultrasound is performed, and if the patient is older, the mammogram is performed.


After completing these three methods, the doctor can announce whether the patient has cancer. After evaluation, a CT scan is done to see if the cancer has spread to other parts of the body


How is breast cancer treated?



The treatment method for breast cancer varies according to the stage of the cancer. The following are the different treatments for breast cancer:


For stage I or II breast cancer, surgery is the usual method of treatment. There are two types of surgeries that can be performed, breast-conserving surgery and modified radical mastectomy to extract the cancerous mass from the breast. Depending on the results of the surgery, it is decided whether radiotherapy or chemotherapy is required.


For stage 3 breast cancer, chemotherapy is the first method of treatment. In general, there are 8 cycles of chemotherapy given to the patient over a period of three to four weeks depending on his health. After completing the chemotherapy, mammography is done to determine the required surgery for the patient. . Depending on the outcome of the surgery, radiotherapy, targeted therapy or hormonal therapy is performed.


For stage IV or metastatic breast cancer, hormones, targeted therapy, or chemotherapy are usually the treatment modalities. Surgery or radiation is not chosen in this case.

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