Ingredients and method for preparing fenugreek oil at home

Ingredients and method for preparing fenugreek oil at home




Fenugreek oil is useful in bloating the cheeks, increasing the size of the chest, and in spreading hair in the front of the head





How to prepare fenugreek oil



cup of the ring


a cup of water


A cup of olive oil



How to prepare fenugreek oil



Boil the fenugreek with a cup of water until half of the cup evaporates and the other half of the water remains



Pour the olive oil and let the mixture boil until the rest of the water evaporates and only the oil remains



To make sure the water has evaporated.



You pour the oil into a cup, and if the oil is more than a cup.. This is evidence that the oil is mixed with the water of the ring and the oil must be returned to boiling until the rest of the water evaporates and only a cup of oil remains.



And this is how you get the natural and unadulterated fenugreek oil from your hands

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