I brought you a natural solution that will remove dark circles

Dark circles are greatly hated by women and appear under the eyes due to several factors, including fatigue, staying up late, fatigue and other things that lead the skin to lose its vitality, and here we suggest you, Madam, the solution in this powerful recipe that gets rid of dark circles in less than a week.

Ingredients: A quantity of finely ground rice + two tablespoons of coconut oil + a tablespoon of liquid milk + pieces of cotton.

Method of preparation: Madam, mix these ingredients together until they are homogeneous, then dip a piece of cotton after cutting it in the form of a crescent until it is in line with the bottom of the eye and put it under it and leave it until you feel that it has completely dried out, then repeat the process again, at least 3 pieces of cotton per day It won’t take a week for the dark circles to disappear forever