How to treat acne quickly and naturally

If you suffer from acne, you are not alone. Acne is a common disease that occurs when oils and dead skin cells clog the pores of the skin. It usually appears on the face, chest, back, shoulders, and neck. There are many causes of acne: heredity, hormones and oil secretion. There are several things you can do to treat acne quickly and naturally. Learn good skin care techniques, improve your diet, and try herbal remedies.

Determine the type of acne you have.

There are different acne treatments according to the severity of your condition. Most cases of acne are mild, but severe acne with nodules or cysts can cause swelling and scarring. This type of acne needs immediate medical attention.

Common types of acne include: Whiteheads (closed pimples): They occur when dirt or excess oil (sebum) gets stuck under the surface of the skin, forming white bumps.

Blackheads (open pimples):

They occur when pores open, causing dirt and sebum to rise to the surface Skin. Black lions come from oxidation when air reacts with melanin, a pigment in sebum.

Pimples (or pimples): acne scars that form when dirt and oil stay stuck under the skin, causing inflammation, swelling, and redness with pus. Pus is a yellowish fluid made up of dead white blood cells and bacteria, usually in response to inflammation or infection of bodily tissue.

Nodules: large, inflamed, hard blisters that occur deep in the skin. Cysts: pus-filled, painful blisters that form deep in the skin and sometimes cause scarring.

Quit smoking. Smoking can cause a condition called smoker’s acne, in which the body does not respond to an inflammatory response to treating the skin as quickly as it does with regular acne. Smokers are also more likely to develop moderate acne after puberty, especially women aged 25-50 years.

Cigarette smoke can also irritate the skin of those with sensitive skin. Smoking is known to cause other skin problems such as wrinkles and premature skin aging. It does this by forming free radicals, which hinders collagen production and detracts from skin proteins

Avoid touching your face. Dirt and bacteria on your hands can clog pores and make acne worse if you frequently touch your face. If your skin is irritated by acne, use oil-free daily wipes to wipe away excess dirt and soothe your skin. Don’t pinch or pop your pimples because you may risk leaving scars. Piping the blister may transmit more bacteria


Choose the right face wash. Use a gentle soap-free, sodium laureth sulfate-free cleanser. Sodium laureth sulfate is a detergent and foaming agent that can cause irritation. Many soap-free washes are free of strong chemicals, use natural ingredients, and are available at most drugstores. Harsh soaps and scrubs can irritate your skin and make acne worse.

Wash your face regularly.

Wash your skin using your fingertips, once in the morning and once at night. Remember to rinse your skin well with lukewarm water after washing it. Limit washing to twice a day and after you sweat. Recognize that it can irritate your skin. Wash your skin as soon as possible after sweating.


Use the correct skin care products.

Apply an oil-free moisturizer if your skin is dry or itchy. Pore ​​trimmer is only recommended if you have oily skin and even then it should only be applied to oily areas. If you want to use an exfoliating lotion, ask your dermatologist about the best treatment for your skin type. People who suffer from non-inflammatory acne, such as whiteheads and blackheads that do not cause redness, can use mild exfoliating products available at most drugstores. People with dry and sensitive skin should limit exfoliation to once or twice a week, while people with oily, thicker skin can exfoliate once every day.


Improve your diet



Eat a healthy diet. Avoid meat that contains hormones and similar substances that can cause an imbalance in hormones, causing acne. Instead, eat plenty of fibre, fresh vegetables and fruits. Foods rich in Vitamin A, C, E, and zinc can help reduce acne severity through the anti-inflammatory properties of the nutrients. Some good sources of these vitamins include: red bell peppers, kale, spinach, amaranth leaves, kale, sweet potatoes (yam) pumpkin, squash, mango, grapefruit, cantaloupe


Zinc abuse.

Studies have shown that oral zinc therapy can help heal acne.

Zinc is an essential trace mineral with antioxidant properties. This helps protect the body’s cells from damage caused by bacteria and viruses. Low zinc levels are common, but taking a multivitamin and eating a healthy diet can give you all the zinc you need. Although you can take a supplement, the best food sources of zinc are: oysters, prawns, crabs, and mollusks Red meat poultry Cheese Beans Sunflower seeds Pumpkin Tofu Mushrooms Cooked vegetables Easily absorbed zinc: Zinc picolinate, zinc citrate, zinc glycerate, zinc monomethionine. If zinc sulfate causes stomach irritation, you can try another type of zinc, such as zinc citrate.


Eat more vitamin A.

According to studies, you may have low levels of vitamin A if you have severe acne. Vitamin A is an anti-inflammatory that neutralizes hormones and may reduce oil production. You can increase the amount of vitamin A you get by eating a healthy diet and avoiding unhealthy fats such as margarine, hydrogenated fats, and processed foods.

Vitamin A is especially abundant in carrots, leafy green vegetables, and orange or yellow fruits. If you are taking a supplement, the recommended daily dose is 10,000 to 25.00 IU (international units). High doses of vitamin A can have toxic side effects, including birth defects, so pay attention to how much you’re getting.


Get more vitamin C.

Vitamin C can improve the recovery rate. It helps in part by helping to make collagen, an important protein used to repair skin tissue, cartilage, and blood vessels and also heal wounds. You can take 2 to 3 doses of Vitamin C for a total of 500 mg per day. You can also add foods rich in vitamin C to your daily diet.

Good natural sources of Vitamin C are: Red or green bell peppers Citrus fruits like oranges, pomelo, grapefruit, lemon or unconcentrated citrus juices Spinach, broccoli, and cabbage strawberries and red berries Tomatoes


Drink green tea.

Drinking green tea is not directly linked to preventing acne. But it contains many antioxidants that show anti-aging and skin-protecting effects. This can make your skin look younger and fresher.

To make green tea, steep 2-3 g of green tea leaves in 1 cup of warm water (80-85°C) for 3-5 minutes. Green tea can be drunk two to three times daily. Green tea may have anti-inflammatory effects that reduce the risk of cancer. Some research shows that green tea is especially beneficial in protecting the skin from harmful UV rays

Use tea tree oil.

Tea tree oil is sometimes used topically for problems such as acne, wounds, infections, and skin ulcers.

To treat your acne, use tea tree oil diluted at 5-15 percent. Add 2-3 drops to a cotton ball and wipe the acne with it. Never take tea tree oil orally. You should avoid exposing it to the open air for a long time. Oxidized tea tree oil may target allergies more than fresh tea tree oil.


Use jojoba oil.

Put 5-6 drops of jojoba oil on a cotton ball and wipe the acne with it. Jojoba oil is extracted from the seed of the jojoba tree. It’s similar to the natural oils your skin produces (sebum), but it won’t clog your pores or cause excess oil.

Jojoba oil will keep your skin moisturized. It usually doesn’t cause irritation, but talk to a dermatologist before using it if you have sensitive skin.

Use juniper oil.

Juniper oil is a natural antiseptic and pore reducer. You can use it as a face wash or as a toner to clear clogged pores and to treat acne, dermatitis, and eczema.

Apply 1-2 drops of the oil with a cotton ball after washing your face. Avoid using too much juniper oil, or else it may irritate the skin and make it worse.




Apply aloe vera gel.

Apply aloe vera gel daily liberally to your skin. You can find it in most pharmacies. Aloe vera is a succulent plant with antibacterial properties that are effective in treating acne and reducing inflammation. It prevents bacteria from infecting acne wounds and speeds up the healing process.

Some people may be allergic to aloe vera. If a rash appears, stop using it and talk to your doctor


Use sea salt.

Look for a lotion or moisturizer that contains less than 1% sodium chloride. Apply it up to six times daily for 5 minutes each time. Studies have shown that sea salt may have anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and protective properties against harmful UV rays. You can also use sea salt as a face mask to reduce stress. Look for sea salt or its products available in most drugstores and stores.

People with mild to moderate acne can safely use sea salt. People with dry, sensitive skin, or moderate to severe acne should speak with a dermatologist before beginning any saline treatments, as they can cause dryness and irritation.

Refer to specialized care



Consider phototherapy. Laser and photodynamic therapy are common alternatives to treating acne. Photodynamic therapy uses light to treat inflamed acne sores, severe nodular acne, and cystic acne.

Studies show that photodynamic therapy is an effective treatment for many people. Talk to your doctor to see the best option for your individual needs.


Consider hormonal therapy. A high activity level of the hormone androgen, primarily for women, can lead to an overproduction of sebum that causes acne.

Sebum also contains fatty acids that encourage acne-causing bacteria. Some of the causes that lead to hormonal changes may be puberty, pregnancy, a missed period or a change in medications. The best way to determine if acne is caused by hormonal changes is to speak with a dermatologist.

Talk to a medical professional. A dermatologist can diagnose your condition and offer targeted acne treatments.

Surgical options may include removing whiteheads and blackheads or cryosurgery, a freezing technique in which steroids are injected into acne sores. Dermabrasion is a type of surgical procedure that can remove superficial scars and reduce the depth of deep acne scars by removing a layer of skin cells. Depending on the severity of your acne scars, multiple sessions may be required. If you’re tired of your acne and have tried all the available methods, don’t be afraid to ask for help.


Helpful ideas


Dermatologists recommend washing your hair regularly if it is greasy. Oil can get on your forehead and face and lead to pimples. Don’t apply makeup right after washing your face, as this can clog your pores. Use oil-free cosmetics for your skin and hair. Do not use water that is too hot or too cold when washing your face, as this can dry out the skin. Use lukewarm water, and try not to use a rough bath. Since both vitamin E and zinc are needed to make vitamin A, you should add them to your diet. The recommended dose of Vitamin E when taken with Vitamin A is 400-800 IU. When applying any cream around your eyes, be sure to apply it gently so as not to forcefully pull the thin skin in this area. Zinc may reduce copper levels in the body if you take it for several months. Therefore, doctors recommend using a daily supplement that gives you at least 2 mg of copper with zinc. A daily dose of 30 mg of zinc, three times a day is recommended for acne patients. When controlling acne, a dose of 10 to 30 mg once daily is appropriate to maintain results.



If you don’t see any improvement in your skin condition after 8 weeks, talk to a dermatologist. Don’t use iodized sea salt or day-containing products because, when ingested or applied to the skin, they cause irritation, which can make acne worse. You should take high doses of zinc for longer than several days unless your doctor tells you to do so. Talk to your doctor before taking zinc supplements.

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