How to make lipstick at home

Many girls are afraid of using cosmetics because they contain harmful chemicals, especially lipstick , which Muslim women like to adorn in their home, so we will present to you through the Educate Yourself website how to make lipstick at home

How to make lipstick at home

Ingredients for how to make lipstick at home:

– 1 tablespoon of beeswax

– 1 teaspoon of shea butter

– 1 teaspoon of coconut oil

1/8 teaspoon of red beet root powder


How to make lipstick at home, you will need:


1-2 tubes of lipstick

– dropper

– glass case

– a pot of water



Steps on how to make lipstick at home:

1- Melt the beeswax with  shea butter and coconut oil in a glass container with water. This will not take long on the stove, so note it carefully.

2- Take it off the stove and add red beet root powder to it. You can add more to it if you want a darker color.

3- When all the ingredients are collected together and the mixture is still liquid, put it inside a tube of lipstick with a dropper until it reaches just before the edge of the tube.

4- Leave it to cool at room temperature or in the refrigerator until it freezes

Thus, you have made a safe lipstick at home and you can use it without worrying about the chemicals being added to the ready-made cosmetics

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