How to make a cellulite cream to treat sagging and cracking of the body

Prepare a homemade cream to get rid of cellulite, if you are following a diet to lose weight without wanting the appearance of cellulite as a result of the change in weight, you should use topical creams that prevent the appearance of cellulite, but you may spend a lot of money on these creams, but fortunately you can make These creams yourself are made of natural materials and at a lower cost.


Recipe 1:


the ingredients:

Rosemary oil


2 tablespoons of water



Avocado mash

Add two tablespoons of water and rosemary oil until a paste is formed.


the use :

The area that contains cellulite is massaged with this cream in circular motions in a clockwise direction.



Rosemary oil stimulates blood circulation and the natural components of avocado help prevent cellulite.


Recipe 2:


the ingredients :

A handful of sage

A handful of camphor

½ liter of olive oil

A tablespoon of lemon juice



Mix all the ingredients well and leave it for 10 days so that they mix well with each other.


the use :

After taking a warm bath, it is placed on the affected area and massaged in circular motions in a clockwise direction.

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