How to grow lavender


Lavender or lavender is one of the most important natural plants that smell good. It has a number of benefits for health and is widely used in aromatherapy or aromatherapy. It is easy to grow lavender or lavender in the home or garden. All you need to grow is to preserve the herb and maintain the lighting. Good for the plant.

Steps to grow lavender from seeds:

1- Choosing a well-lit place is one of the Mediterranean herbs that thrives in hot, sunny regions, so you have to choose an apricot place for eight hours a day while protecting the plant from winds and storms in the winter season with appropriate irrigation.

2- Make sure that the soil drains the water appropriately, as water deposition in it is the enemy of lavender that causes root rot, so the soil should be light and well ventilated to improve soil drainage. You can mix it with building sand before planting.

3- Checking the soil pH acidity, as lavender grows in alkaline soil and the appropriate level for soil is between 3-7. If necessary, you can increase the alkalinity of the soil by adding a little lemon from 2 to 3 lemons per foot of soil.

4- Danger of buying lavender There are many types of lavender that you can buy from agricultural seed stores or from local nurseries, so that the seeds are valid with the area in which you live. The two most important varieties of lavender are (Mustead and Hidcote). Lavender takes about a month to germinate.

5- Dig a hole large enough for the roots if you are growing seedlings or small cuttings using a digging shovel that is wide enough to contain the roots. If you planted it in a container, it should be wide enough to accommodate the roots because they expand quickly.

6- After digging, prepare the soil to receive the lavender. Half a cup of lime lime can be placed with good fertilizer for light soil consisting of potmoss only with good stirring and placing a stone or mooring the bottom of the soil to help with good drainage. The lemon is given to the alkaline soil necessary for it. Flower blossoming.

7- The plant (seedling) is watered an hour before planting or transplanting, so that the roots are moist, (placing the stems of the leaves inside a bowl of water)

8- Pruning lavender You can gently prune your lavender before planting to encourage growth.

9- Remove the roots from the pot and gently remove the excess soil from them and place them deep inside the hole, making sure that the hole is deep to accommodate all the roots and not break, provided that it is between the plant and the plant 36 inches for good air circulation around the plant, allowing it to grow.

10- Fertilization is done once a year with bone meal fertilizer before spring. Fish or seaweed emulsions can be added once or twice in the summer.

The previous steps for planting lavender with seeds can be implemented, noting that it takes a month to grow and often fail.

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