How should skin care be in cold weather?

How should skin care be in cold weather?




Anatomically, our outermost garment in our body is our skin. In these months when the winter season is dominant, our skin varies according to time. The sudden cooling of the air in the winter months, the exposure of the skin to the wind, the change in the amount of moisture in the air, the increase in the temperature while inside the house…etc. Reasons like this cause our skin to react as well. The amount of water in our skin is extremely low. As a result, the skin color becomes dull and the lines on the skin become more pronounced. Older people are more susceptible to this condition. Because the skin responds faster to the effect of the air.


Our body’s reaction to cold weather begins as follows; With cold weather conditions, the diameter of the blood vessels on the skin decreases to prevent body heat loss. Therefore, blood circulation slows down. Thanks to the blood circulation, all kinds of nutrients, vitamins and minerals flow in our body. Due to the slowing down of blood circulation, this nutrient, vitamin and mineral flow cannot be provided under the skin. The protection mechanism in the skin decreases during the winter months. For this reason, skin problems such as flaking, irritation, peeling and cracking occur on the skin. The skin problem goes even further, and bleeding and scar formation occur.


The most prominent feature seen on our skin during the winter months is the predominance of exfoliation on the skin. In the winter season, our skin becomes more sensitive than ever, and blood circulation slows down in the skin that has become unstable. As a result, your skin becomes tense, becomes a thick layer and tends to crack. However, exfoliation of the skin manifests itself. If there is hypersensitivity on the skin, it goes even further and skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis occur.


In winter, we all prefer to sit in our warm home. The cold weather outside tends to make us sit at home. However, this situation can affect our skin physically as well as psychologically. Sitting at home causes us to restrict our movement, causing our metabolism to slow down. This causes us to become depressed, perhaps unconsciously. Experiencing a mental disorder is the main enemy of our beauty. The skin becomes dull, its pores are opened and a skin that has lost its shine appears.


Don’t let the winter season scare you! Of course, we will have measures and suggestions in this. For this reason;


Pay attention to your diet. Take care to consume vegetables and fruits fresh. Because the skin needs to get the vitamins and minerals it needs.


In winter, the skin needs more Omega 3. Omega 3 strengthens the immune system in winter. For this reason, consume fish twice a week in this season when there is an abundance of fish.


Consume plenty of water. Our preference is to consume 2-3 liters of water on a daily basis.


Do not wash with extremely hot water. Hot water takes the oil from the skin and causes the skin to dry. This may cause itching, swelling and redness of the skin.


Do not frequently contact your skin with water. If you have dryness on your hands, face and even your body, you can attribute this to frequent washing.


The creaminess of the products used while bathing will meet the moisture need of your skin. Do not forget to moisturize your skin with body moisturizers even after bathing.


Avoid direct contact of woolen clothes with the skin. If you do not prevent it, your skin will become dry and itchy constantly. Prefer cotton clothes.


You can moisturize and care for these areas by trying our mask recipes against chapped lips and hands.

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