Homemade Danette 

Homemade Danette


Homemade Danette is the recipe that you will always prepare, because it will be a favorite for you and your family, and your guests will love it with a few ingredients, which are milk, starch, cocoa and chocolate. In our article today on my website, we will learn how to make homemade Danette.




2 cups of liquid milk


2 tablespoons starch


4 tablespoons of sugar


100 g grated chocolate


2 tablespoons of cocoa




How to prepare


We put in a saucepan both liquid milk and sugar and stir well.


Add the starch and cocoa and stir until the ingredients blend well together.


We put the pot on the fire while continuing to stir until we get rid of the lumps.


After the mixture boils and thickens, remove the pot from the heat.


Add the chocolate sprinkle and stir until it is completely melted with the hot mixture.


We pour the homemade donuts into serving glasses, leave it until it cools down, then put it in the fridge and serve it.

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