Home ways to treat back pimples

Back acne is one of the most annoying things that may affect the body. If your skin is prone to acne, these pimples and pimples do not appear on the face only, but you may notice their presence on the back. Despite this, there are some home remedies that can do a lot to treat acne.


Pimples generally appear in the back area as a result of clogged pores due to increased skin secretion of fat, and sometimes they result from the accumulation of dead cells on the skin, and this condition causes difficulty in wearing some clothes and sleeping on the back, so if you are one of those people who suffer from the problem of back acne You do not need to worry about it, as there are some home remedies that help you get rid of it.


Home ways to treat back pimples and pimples:





1- Cucumber: It helps moisturize the skin and cleans it of impurities, and it works to get rid of clogged skin pores in an effective way when used regularly. with cold water.


2- Onions: Due to the anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties of onions, it can treat back acne in an easy and effective way at the same time. It also helps in treating wounds easily. Two white onions are taken and their juice is extracted, then a few Drops of lemon juice and bee honey, mix well, and finally apply the mixture to the skin, leave it for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse it off.


3- Pineapple: Pineapple contains bromelain, a compound that acts as an anti-inflammatory, and helps protect the back from pimples and pimples. Some slices are taken and their juice is extracted, and it is placed on the back using a small piece of cotton, then rinsed with cold water. This recipe is used twice. daily to get rid of back acne effectively.


4- Nutmeg: Nutmeg is known to contain anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory substances. Therefore, it is used to treat all types of pimples that affect the skin. It is also characterized by its astringent properties, which makes it able to reduce scars and marks resulting from acne. A small amount is taken of nutmeg powder mixed with a spoonful of bee honey and cinnamon powder, mix these ingredients well, and put on the area affected by grains, then rinse well with water.


5- Orange peels: These methods are considered one of the easiest home remedies to get rid of pimples. Some orange peels are taken and dried in the sun, then ground into a fine powder. A spoonful of turmeric powder and honey is added to this powder and mixed well, then placed on the pimples in the back. And rinse after 10 minutes.


6- Tomato pulp: the pulp is considered an excellent remedy for getting rid of pimples and scars resulting from them, due to its acidic properties, so you can treat this condition easily. Cut some tomato fruits and extract the juice in them, and put it on the pimples on the back, then rinse it off after 30 minutes. .


7- Moltani mitti “a type of clay”: it is used to help absorb excess oil from oily skin, and it also works to lighten the pores, which helps in treating the problem of back acne, this ingredient can be used by placing it directly on the back or by mixing it with sandalwood powder and a little rose water To become a paste, use this recipe two or three times a day to get tangible results.


8-: Lemon has proven to be very effective in its ability to treat back acne, due to the presence of citric acid among its components and its astringent properties. Rinse with water. Lemon also helps maintain the pH level of the skin.


9- Sodium bicarbonate: Sodium bicarbonate is known for its exfoliating properties, and it also contains anti-inflammatory and antiseptic substances, so it can treat back acne very effectively. A small amount is taken and mixed with water well, then placed on the affected area of ​​the back.

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