Hair Straightening Soy Oil Mask


Hair Straightening Soy Oil Mask



1 Teaspoon of Sea Salt

1 Teaspoon Apple Vinegar

2 Tablespoons Almond Oil

5 Tablespoons Soybean Oil

Preparation and application:

Put the ingredients in a small saucepan and heat them in a double boiler.

After the mixture has warmed, apply it to your scalp and hair ends.

Comb your hair with a fine toothed comb.

Make sure the mixture is absorbed into the hair by massaging the hair and scalp for 5-10 minutes.

Gather your hair and wrap it with cling film.

Wait 120 minutes.

Wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with warm water.

Dry your hair with a towel.


Apply this method, which is effective in straightening hair, regularly 2-3 times a week.

Every woman wants the hair to be naturally shiny and lively. In hair straightening methods, we generally use blow dryers or hair straightening devices. However, these tools cause the hair to lose its vitality by disrupting the main structure of the hair due to the operation with high temperature (200 degrees). However, there are herbal methods that have a straightening effect in your home without the need for these tools. (This method does not mean that curly hair looks like blow-dried completely. It protects and straightens the hair naturally.)

Soy oil, which has a high usage area, is very nutritious. It contains plenty of iron, calcium and phosphorus minerals and vitamins A, B, D and E. Soy oil provides many benefits to the hair. Especially those who have hair loss problems can use this mask easily.

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