Grandmothers 9 Secret Recipes for Wrinkles

Beauty secret of grandmothers

If you think that our grandma’s old recipes are long out of date, then you are wrong. Many of these long-kept secrets are used in cosmetic preparations todayGrandmothers 9 Secret Recipes for Wrinkles . Only that the originally natural ingredients have been replaced by chemicals, artificial colors, flavors and harmful preservatives.

Beauty secret of grandmothers

If you want to pamper yourself and your skin, then use the original secret recipes with natural ingredients. The kitchen and pantry provide almost everything you will need.

1. Daily anti-wrinkle program

“Wake up” the skin of your face in the morning with an oat mask. Mix a handful of oatmeal with water to a fine paste, apply to the face and neck. Remove the dried mask with a cotton ball dipped in buttermilk and wash the face with lukewarm water. In this way, the skin is perfectly nourished and cleaned pore-deep in the morning.

A honey-glycerine mask is wonderful for the night. Mix in equal parts, apply to the cleansed face and after a few minutes remove the excess with a soft cloth.





2. Refreshing instant tonic

Does your face look tired and pale? Then take the juice of a squeezed lemon and mix it with the same amount of mineral water. Apply gently to the face with a cotton ball, avoiding the area around the eyes. Leave on for about five to ten minutes and wash off with lukewarm water. This revitalizes the skin and makes it look visibly refreshed.

Nourishing and nourishing face masks

Pamper your skin regularly with relaxing and nourishing masks. There are various natural recipes for this. A few basic rules:

Always stir the masks fresh, because the natural ingredients seldom have a longer shelf life.
As you apply the mask, massage it gently into your skin and let it sit for 15-30 minutes until it dries.
Remove the mask and clean your face with lukewarm water.

3. Protein mask against wrinkles

Beat one egg white lightly and mix it with powdered milk and the juice of a squeezed cucumber. Alternatively, use tomato juice and creme fraiche. A wonderful mask against wrinkles and premature aging is ready.

In everyday kitchen life you can also use the protein against small laugh lines around the eyes. Whenever you break an egg, use your finger to wipe some egg white out of the shell and apply it to the eye area. When dry, remove with lukewarm water.

Follow this treatment consistently and the results will astound you!

4. Apple mask

The apple provides a concentrated load of vitamins and enzymes. Refresh your face with an apple mask once a week. To do this, grate an apple finely and add a tablespoon of honey to the puree. Mix well and apply to face and neck. After half an hour, wipe it off with cold milk or buttermilk.

You can also simply enjoy the active ingredients of apples with apple cider vinegar. 

5. Radiant face with milk and honey

Milk and honey are real miracle cures for tired facial skin. Mix a tablespoon of milk or yogurt with a tablespoon of honey, add a tablespoon of ground sesame seeds and apply to the skin.

6. Face mask against wrinkles

One of the most popular recipes for a nourishing anti-wrinkle face mask is made with almond oil and honey.

Mix one tablespoon of almond oil with half a tablespoon of honey and apply to the cleansed face. Wash off with lukewarm water after 20 minutes. After a few days you will notice the difference, the skin becomes firmer and looks visibly rejuvenated.

The right recipe for every problem

7. Strawberries for ripe or dry skin

Mix five ripe, finely chopped strawberries, 2 tablespoons of creme fraiche and two tablespoons of honey. Apply this smooth paste to cleansed face and leave on for 15 minutes. Then wash off lukewarm and gently pat dry.

Fresh, radiant skin without any cosmetics or chemicals?  These inexpensive recipes made from natural products will help you fight wrinkles and sagging skin.

8. Gentle exfoliation for oily and problematic skin

In a cup, pour just enough hot milk over a tablespoon of rolled oats until they are covered. Let stand for ten minutes and then use the resulting paste as a peel. Gently rub off the skin of your face and then wash with lukewarm water.

9. Dark circles under the eyes

If you have dark circles under your eyes, good old potato will help.

Wash and peel a potato and cut two thin slices. Place on the dark circles and leave on for at least 15 minutes. The swelling will go down noticeably, and the rings will gradually lighten. 

Important: You should also be careful with natural remedies. They too can cause allergic reactions in some people. Test the prepared mixes before using them extensively. Simply smear a small amount on the inside of the elbow, cover with a plaster and wait up to 24 hours. If there is no reaction within this time, you can use the preparation without hesitation

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