Get rid of darkening of the knee, elbow and sensitive areas naturally


Skin tan may occur in some areas of your body such as (knee, elbow, armpit and thighs) as a result of the accumulation of dead skin and friction between the folds and may cause you embarrassment with the husband or even make you can not wear short hostel clothes when sitting at home here are home ways to get rid of the tan of the knees

Here are some natural home remedies to get rid of some elbow, knee, armpit and between the thighs :

1. soda will get you out of the darkening of the skin:

Sodium is very effective in the removal of some skin, take one tablespoon of soda and mix with milk until you paste, the paste is put on areas of the knees or the armpit and mouth in a circular motion, used once every two days .

  2-turmeric, honey and milk to lighten skin:

Turmeric has antiseptic properties, milk works to lighten the skin, honey works to moisturize the skin, a paste is made of turmeric, honey ,milk ,and is placed on the knees, thighs or armpit for 20 minutes, it is rubbed in a circular motion for two minutes, after which the dark area is washed with water .

 3-sugar, olive oil to exfoliate the skin :

Sugar is used as a skin scrub, olive oil works to moisturize the skin, equal amounts of olive oil and sugar are mixed to make a thick paste , this mixture is placed on the knees and black elbow , the skin is rubbed using this mixture for five minutes . After that the dark area is washed off with water   

4-honey and lemon to remove skin tan :

Honey is used as a skin moisturizer, lemon lightens the skin honey is mixed with lemon, and applied to the skin for 20 minutes . Then wash the skin afterwards .  

5-flour, lemon to lighten the skin: flour is used as a natural skin exfoliator, lemon works to lighten the skin, drops of lemon are placed on the flour to form a soft paste, the paste is placed on the dark areas and rub in a circular motion, the dark areas are then washed with water .  

6-olive oil to lighten dark areas :

Olive oil works to lighten and moisturize the skin, warm olive oil is used to massage dark areas for 10 minutes daily .

  7-brush report : 

Exfoliating brush is used on dark areas to remove dead cells, is used when the body is wet, and is rubbed in a circular motion.

  8-cocoa butter and shea butter :

Natural fats that moisturize the skin and lighten dark places, a quantity of cocoa butter and shea butter is applied to the dark area daily before going to bed .  

9-fresh aloe leaves to get rid of skin tan :

Moisturizes the skin ,and prevents damage to the skin as a result of exposure to the sun , aloe leaves are brought and the gel is taken out of them and put on dark places for half an hour, and then the dark places are washed with water .  

10-use of sunscreen products :

The use of sunscreen cosmetics works to reduce the darkening of dark places, especially in the summer .  

11-vinegar ,yogurt :

Works to cleanse and lighten skin tone , yogurt, vinegar are mixed and applied to dark places, when the mixture dries the skin is rubbed in a circular motion for a minute .  

12-fruits to lighten dark areas:

Lemon, tomato, grape serve to lighten skin tone and moisturize, fruit juice is applied to dark areas to lighten them .  

13-refreshments :

The use of skin moisturizers works to lighten the skin and prevent friction between the layers of the skin .  

14-natural oils :

Like olive oil , sesame oil, coconut oil, almond oil, these oils moisturize the skin and lighten the skin tone .

 15 – stone University:

Works to remove dead skin , and applied after bathing .   After we learned about some home remedies for tanning some areas of the skin ,you can Madam by using some simple materials found in your kitchen to get rid of the skin tan and eliminate your embarrassment.

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